
  • 网络culture and value
  1. 印度武技综论亚洲武技的民族文化与价值特征&东西方体育文化的比较研究

    Study of Indian Martial Arts National Culture and Value Feature of Asian Wushu Skills

  2. 青年亚文化与价值冲突

    Youth Sub - culture and Value Conflicts

  3. 公司的评估/公司文化与价值观。

    An assessment of the company / corporate culture and their values

  4. 柯达的文化与价值观

    Consciousness of Quality Name Brand in Kodak Culture and Values

  5. 企业管理沟通中的文化与价值观分析

    An Analysis on Culture and Values of Managerial Communication

  6. 学校文化与价值意识建构

    School Culture and the Construction of Values and Perceptions

  7. 特别是文化与价值观念紧密联系。

    Close contact with the culture and values .

  8. 企业文化与价值观是企业管理中最模糊的领域,也是迄今为止最具挑战性的一环。

    Culture is the most challenging part ;

  9. 经济伦理是民族的时代文化与价值观念的基本组成部分,既有民族性也有时代性。

    Being one of fundamental elements of national culture and concept of values , economic ethics has both nationality and timeliness .

  10. 指导中国文化与价值转型的原则应为:本土性、内生性、市场性及反思性。

    The conclusion reached by the paper is to apply the native , endogenic , marketing and rethinking principles to guiding the exchanges and transformation .

  11. 其次,延续了两千多年的春节其基本精神是跟华人的传统文化与价值观分不开的。

    Secondly , the fundamental spirit of the more than 2000-year-old Chinese New Year is closely intertwined with the traditional culture and values of the Chinese .

  12. 在亨利·詹姆斯虚构的女性世界里,妇女不再是罪恶的根源,而是美国文化与价值的象征,这是美国文化传统的一大转折。

    In his fictional female world , women , once regarded as the source of evil , now become the emblems of American culture and value .

  13. 依据足球运动文化与价值在实践关系上的逻辑过渡,分析价值是在文化的基础上建立起来的一种高层次的实践关系。

    According to football sports culture and value in practice the logic relationship in transition , analysis value is based on culture of a kind of high-level practice relations .

  14. 社区发展是一个综合理念,不仅包括社区公共物品的增加和居民生活质量的提高,也包括社区文化与价值观的培育以及一种和谐互动网络的建设。

    Community development is a syndicated idea , including the increase of common wealth and improvement of citizens living level as well as the cultivation of community culture and value .

  15. 市场的需求是环境塑造的,这包括人口统计结构中的技术变化、经济状况、政治和文化与价值的变化。

    The needs of the market are shaped by the environment-technology changes in the population 's demographic structure , the level of economic well-being , politics , and changes in culture and values .

  16. 社会转型是指构成社会的诸要素如经济、政治、文化与价值体系在不同社会形态之间发生的质变或者某一社会形态内部发生的部分质变或量变的过程。

    Social transformation refers to the various elements such as politics , economy , culture , value system , these elements ' qualitative change and quantitative may change between different social forms or the same social form .

  17. 员工忠诚度只有与其能力相匹配才能对绩效产生应有的价值,文化与价值标准的认同是员工与企业合作的基础。

    Only when loyalty of employees well matches their ability , can it bring about proper value of performance . The acceptance of culture and value criterion is basis of the cooperation of the employees and the enterprises .

  18. 产品设计不但是将企业科技转化为产品的有力手段,还是塑造品牌产品一致性并将品牌理念、文化与价值有效传达给消费者的重要工具。

    Product design is not only a powerful mean to transform the enterprise technology into products , but also an important tool in shaping brand products consistency and communicating brand idea , culture and value to the consumers effectively .

  19. 村落传统文化与价值观为村民提供了行动的动机和形式,村民共同的行动形成了全村性的仪式性事件。

    The traditional culture and value view in the villages provide for the villagers the motivation and the way for their behaviors , therefore , the common behaviors of the villagers consist of the ritual events in the whole villages .

  20. 数学教育让学生形成理性精神是指在数学教学以及数学学习活动中,通过对数学内在理性的感悟以及对数学家的理性精神的感受,学生所获得的精神层面的文化与价值体验。

    That mathematics education makes students develop rationality spirit means that students can feel the inner-rationality of mathematics and rationality spirit of mathematicians and they can acquire the culture on the level of spirit and experience in the mathematics study .

  21. 现代图书馆人文化定位与价值取向

    The Culture Localization and Value Orientation of Modern Library Staff

  22. 中国图形艺术的文化襟怀与价值向度

    The Cultural Quality and Value Orientation of Chinese Graphic Arts

  23. 全球合理交往的根基:文化理解与价值共识

    The basis of the rational global interactions : cultural understanding and value identification

  24. 编辑的文化视野与价值取向

    On Editors ' Cultural View and Value Orientation

  25. 传统建筑文化定位与价值

    Position and Value about Architecture Culture of Tradition

  26. 传统文化与大学生价值观的塑造

    Traditional Culture and the values-molding of University Students

  27. 论奥林匹克文化与青少年价值观教育

    On Olympic Culture and Teenagers ' Value Education

  28. 伦理文化与商品价值

    Ethics and commodity values

  29. 评价其在城市建设与发展过程中所表现出来的经济、文化与社会价值;

    It assesses its economical cultural and social values expressed in the course of the city 's developing and constructing process ;

  30. 网络哲学主要包括三个部分的内容:概念论与实体论、存在论与本质论、文化论与价值论。

    Net-philosophy mainly consists of three parts : conception and substance theory , being and essence theory , cultural and value theory .