
wén jiàn dǎ yìn
  • file print;files printing
  1. 面向产品CAPP系统开发中工艺文件打印解决方案

    The process file printing solutions for product-oriented CAPP development

  2. 异构网络文件打印共享及Samba安全管理研究

    Research of Share Files and Printers in Isomerous Network and Security Management of Samba

  3. jmap命令行工具为运行中的VM或核心文件打印与内存有关的统计信息。

    The jmap command-line utility prints memory-related statistics for a running VM or core file .

  4. 介绍一种实时汉语话音控制计算机系统:在汉字DOS支持下工作,具有话控算题(包括6种算术运算和11种初等函数计算)、话控报表、简单文件打印等功能。

    Describes a computer system controlled by Chinese speech . Operated on CC-DOS ( Chinese Character Disk Operating System ), it possesses functions controlled by oral Chinese as : calculating with 6 arthmetic and 11 junior functional calculuses , forming for reporting statistics , compiling and printing simple documents .

  5. 复杂格式工艺文件打印软件介绍

    Introduce of Printing Software for Complicated Process Planning Files NEW CRAFT

  6. 没有必要把这个文件打印出来。

    There is no need to print out the document .

  7. 把文件打印出来就能看见了。

    You 'll print out the file , and you 'll see .

  8. 把这份文件打印。

    Print this article out .

  9. 总设计单位应向业主提交10份设计文件打印正本,7份资源评估文件打印正本。

    General designer shall submit design documentation in10 original printouts and resource estimate in7 original printouts to customer .

  10. 我把文本文件打印到纸上,结果发现每行的长度都超过了页宽,这样子没法阅读。

    When I print out the text file , each line runs over the edge of the page and looks bad .

  11. 你也可以将该文件打印出来,然后填写,再扫描后上传。

    Alternatively , you can print out the form , fill it in , scan it , and upload the scanned document .

  12. 版面设计,以消除冗余大部分工作,让你创造一个单一的文件打印和网上介绍。

    LayOut was designed to eliminate the redundancy in most workflows by letting you create a single document for print and online presentation .

  13. 你好,请马上把这些文件打印、复印出来,明天一早我谈判时用。

    Good afternoon . I 'd like to have these documents typed and Xeroxed immediately , because I need them for a negotiation early tomorrow morning .

  14. 负责文档管理工作,文书写作、文件打印等,机票、酒店预订及其他外联工作,协助总监进行重要日程安排,组织销售部各大会议的前期安排及会议资料。

    Responsible for the management of files , writing instruments , paper printing , air tickets , Hotel booking and other outreach efforts to assist the authority to carry out important schedules , the organization of conferences advance sales arrangements and meeting information .

  15. 它依靠find的行为,总是在每个文件名前打印“./”。

    It relies on find 's behavior to always print a " . / " before each filename .

  16. 此外,您还应该具有访问Windows环境的权限,用Windows环境来测试文件和打印访问数据。

    In addition , you should have access to a Windows environment that you can use to test file and print access .

  17. AutoCAD图形文件的打印技巧

    Printing skill of AutoCAD Graph File

  18. (服务可以提供文件或打印服务、DHCP、Web内容、动态内容等)。

    The service can offer file or print services , DHCP , Web content , dynamic content , and others .

  19. 提供PDF文件的打印预览。

    Offering a print-preview for PDF files .

  20. 在DOS环境下SPT格式文件的打印

    The Printing of SPT-Format Files Under DOS

  21. 利用WPS打印功能实现DBF文件自由打印

    The Free Printing of DBF Files Through WPS

  22. 剪贴内容可以编辑,整理,保存为PDF文件或打印出来,使用户免受条幅广告和边框内容的困扰。

    These clips can be edited , enhanced , saved as a PDF or printed out , without excess banner ads or sidebars .

  23. 显示文件的打印出来的样子。

    Shows how a file will look when you print it .

  24. 我倒希望你把这份文件马上打印出来。

    I would rather you typed the paper right away .

  25. 一个文件和打印共享解决方案的理想属性包括

    Desirable attributes of a file and print sharing solution are

  26. 在控制面板中,单击网络图标,然后单击文件和打印共享。

    Click File and Print Sharing from the Network icon in Control Panel .

  27. 印刷文件和打印预览;

    Printing of a document and print preview ;

  28. 黄师父:海伦,这个文件重新打印一次。

    Master Huang : Helen , could you print this document again , please ?

  29. 而如果文件是打印的,你可以对文件进行光学字符识别。

    And if the documents is typed , you can just apply OCR to the document .

  30. 完成日志文件的打印。

    Printing of log files complete .