
  • 网络Document Management;Document Control;Documents;documentation;documentation management
  1. 基于JAVAWeb组件技术的软件项目文档管理系统

    A Software Project Document Management System Based on Java Web Component Technology

  2. 用XML全文本搜索进行内容和文档管理

    Content and document management with XML full-text search

  3. Web下的文档管理系统研究及应用

    A Research and Application on the Documents Management System in Web

  4. 基于可扩展标记语言的Web复杂文档管理技术

    The XML-based Management Technology for Web Complex Documents

  5. 基于Web的油田基建项目文档管理系统的开发

    The Development of File Management System for Base Construction Project in Oil Field Based on Web

  6. 现阶段比较流行的XML文档管理方式;

    XML file management style that relatively prevails at the present stage ;

  7. 课题正是从这一现实出发,设计和开发一个基于Web数据库的文档管理系统。

    This issue is to research and exploit a file managed system based Web database from this fact .

  8. 基于Web的PDM系统的产品数据及图文档管理子模块的研究与开发

    Under the Web Development and Research of Subsystem of Product Data Management

  9. 用Java实现B/S多层结构的网络图文档管理

    The Java Implementation of Network Document Management System Based B / S MultiTier Structure

  10. Delphi实现Word文档管理的应用

    Implementation of Managing Word Document by Delphi

  11. 单纯依靠Windows文件共享方式己难以解决产品与研发文档管理的问题。

    Depending on Windows file sharing mode has been difficult to solve products and research document management problem .

  12. NET平台下使用组件技术和PDF表单技术实现了基于PDF的项目文档管理系统。

    NET component technology and PDF form are used to implement the system .

  13. 文章介绍了根据MVC模式以及当前流行的Web应用程序框架而设计和实现的一个功能较为齐全的软件文档管理系统。

    It introduces a software document management system based on the MVC model and the currently prevalent WEB frame .

  14. 基于Oracle的AutoCAD图纸文档管理

    Managing Blueprint Files of AutoCAD Based On Oracle

  15. 通过Internet对学生进行无纸化的电子文档管理既可以减轻手工管理的难度和复杂度,对教务工作也更具有现实意义。

    Through internet to operate no-paper electronic document management can reduce difficult and complexity of handwork . It also has Important realistic meaning for educational work .

  16. 基于PDM的图文档管理系统中查询功能的研究与实现

    Study and realization of inquiring functions of document management system based on PDM

  17. 文档管理集成了OracleiFS,可提供文件粘贴服务。

    Document Management Integration with Oracle IFS provides file attachment services .

  18. 本文还介绍了作者开发基于PDF的项目文档管理系统。

    This article introduces the Project Documents Management System based on PDF .

  19. 可重用文档管理系统使用组织结构模型和文档数据模型从不同角度对文档数据管理的业务特征进行描述,使用XML作为业务模型的描述语言。

    This solution use organization model and data model to describe business characters of document management , and use XML as the language of the description .

  20. 着重讨论了系统的用户管理、文档管理及采用多个HTTP服务器实现用户感知的通信机制。

    The user and document management and the communication mechanism implementing user awareness using multiple HTTP servers are emphasized .

  21. 随着信息技术的发展,文档管理在企业资源规划(enterpriseresourseplanning,erp)系统中的作用越来越重要。

    With the development of information technology , the effect of document management becomes more and more important in ERP system .

  22. 在此基础上,文章结合B/S结构的特点提出一个开放的分布式的基于Web的射频仿真项目软件文档管理系统的解决方案。

    Based on those , and with the characteristics of the B / S architecture , an open and distributed frame of document management system in software developing is brought forward .

  23. 最后,使用UML建模语言与部分代码展示了文档管理系统中主要模块的实现。

    At last , describes the implementation of main module of distributed document management system in UML and C # source .

  24. 面向生产现场的PDM系统中飞机AO文档管理

    Production-Field-Oriented AO Document Management in PDM

  25. 电子文档管理系统(EECS)是一个基于C/S结构的应用系统。

    Electric document management system is an application based on C / S structure .

  26. 在分析了现有文档管理系统不足的基础上,描述了一个Internet环境下新型文档管理系统的设计与实现。

    The paper analyzes the deficiency of existing document management system , and then the design and implementation of a new kind of document management system is discussed on Internet environment .

  27. 本文主要研究了基于Web服务的分布式文档管理关键技术,主要包括基于Web服务的分布式文档管理系统体系结构、基于Web服务的分布式文档工作流、分布式文档内容管理等。

    This paper focuses on the key technologies of Web-Service based distributed document management , including Web-Service based distributed system structure , Web-Service based distributed document work flow and distributed document content management .

  28. 谈Bayer工程中的文档管理

    Talking about the document management of Engineering in Bayer

  29. 多学科综合设计中的文档管理研究近年来,地理信息科学(GIS,GeographicalInformationScience)已成为一个多学科、多方向的研究领域。

    Study on File Management System in Multi - subject Integrated Design During these years , GIS ( Geographical Information Science ) has become a research domain of multi-subject and multi-direction concerning .

  30. ACME正在研究采用一个文档管理系统来管理保险单文档。

    ACME is investigating adopting a document management system for managing policy documents .