
wén shēn
  • tattoo
文身 [wén shēn]
  • [tattoo] 在人的皮肤上刺绘出有颜色的花纹或图形

  • 断发文身

文身[wén shēn]
  1. 过去,他们举行各种仪式前会在身上进行彩绘、文身。

    In the old days , they would paint and tattoo their bodies for ceremonies

  2. 调Q红宝石激光去除文身的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Ruby Laser in Tattoo Removal

  3. 接着她弯下身子,让他好好看清楚她的文身。

    Then she bent over and gave him an eyeful of her tattoos .

  4. 她不得不跟那些刺有文身、偷盗影碟的大老粗为邻。

    She has to live cheek by jowl with oiks , people with tattoos and stolen videos .

  5. Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗黑色文身的临床研究

    Clinical Research on Q-switched Nd : YAG Laser in Treatment of Black Tattoos

  6. Q开关Nd:YAG激光去除豚鼠文身的皮肤色度测量和组织学变化

    The Chroma Measurement and Histological Changes of Skin Tissue on Guinea Pigs ' Tattoo Removal with Q-Switched Nd : YAG Laser Irradiation

  7. 最终幻想VII他有两个对称的红色文身穿过他的颧骨。

    In Final Fantasy VII he has two symmetrical red tattoos across his cheekbones .

  8. 他是个肌肉发达、有着文身的引擎机械师,6英尺高,长相酷似詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean)。

    He was a taut , tattooed engine mechanic , six feet tall , with a passing resemblance to James Dean .

  9. 结论应用Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗皮肤色素损害文身的褪色效果最好,对太田痣、雀斑的褪色效果较好;

    Conclusion : The best fading effect can be achieved in the treatment of pigmentary lesions of skin by using Q-switched . Nd : YAG laser , and comparatively good ones for nevus of Ota and freckles .

  10. 结论Q开关紫翠宝石激光对太田痣、雀斑、文身、脂溢性角化、颧部褐青色痣治疗效果好,对伊藤痣、雀斑样痣、斑痣及咖啡斑有一定疗效。

    Conclusion Q-switched Alexandrite laser is effective in the treatment of nevus of Ota , seborrheic keratosis , tattoo , and naevus fusco-caeruleus zygomaticus , but has limited efficacy for cafe-au-lait-spots , lentigo , naevus of Ito , and spilus naevus .

  11. 研究背景创伤性文身(traumatictattoos)又称为异物性文身,是指外伤后异物颗粒通过表皮,进入皮内及皮下组织,形成的永久性色素斑块[1]。

    Background : Traumatic tattoos , also known as foreign body tattoo . It refers to that foreign particles after trauma , penetrate the epidermis into the skin and subcutaneous tissue , in the form of permanent pigment plaques .

  12. 532nm波长的激光对红色文身去除效果好,但对绿色、蓝色文身未见有作用。

    Laser in the wavelength of 532 nm has a good effect on the red tattoo but no obvious effect on green and blue tattoos .

  13. 在以色列裔埃塞俄比亚犹太人中祛除文身:传统方法面临的技术问题

    Tattoo removal among Ethiopian Jews in Israel : Tradition faces technology

  14. 金色短发,前臂有文身。

    Light-colored short air , with a tattoo on his forearm .

  15. 脖子上有蜘蛛文身标记。

    And sports the tattoo of a spider on his neck .

  16. 中国文身习俗研究概述

    A Brief Introduction of Studies of the Tattoo Custom in China

  17. 文身,指在人体上刻画刺字。

    Tattoo refers to carving designs and words on the body .

  18. 皮肤磨削术结合置盐法治疗文身

    Dermal abrasion together with salt abrasion in the treatment of tattoo

  19. 超高频电波刀技术在外伤性文身切除术中的应用

    Application of ultra-high frequency electrosurgical technique in treatment of traumatic tatoo

  20. 人类是文化的动物,正是人类将文身赋予了文化的蕴涵。

    It is human being that gives tattoo the cultural implication .

  21. 你觉得这蝴蝶文身怎么样?

    So , what do you think of this butterlfy tattoo ?

  22. 临时红褐色文身致头发和服装染料过敏

    A temporary henna tattoo causing hair and clothing dye allergy

  23. 文身&亟待保存和研究的物质性非物质文化遗产

    Tattoo : the Intangible Cultural Custom that Need Urgent Preservation and Study

  24. 文身是傣族男子中的一种传统习俗。

    Tattoo used to be a traditional custom among the Dai people .

  25. 日晒诱发文身斑处迟发性疣

    Delayed onset of warts over tattoo mark provoked by sunburn

  26. 你说我又纹了一个文身,真的吗?

    You got a tattoo again ? No , kidding !

  27. 现在为什么有这么多的英超球员开始文身?

    Why do so many Premier League footballers have tattoos these days ?

  28. 勐海傣族文身调查

    A Study of the Tattoo among the Dai People in Menghai County

  29. 你能发张这文身的照片给我吗?

    Will you send me a photo of this tattoo ?

  30. 论黎族文身的伦理隐喻

    On the Ethical Metaphor of the Tattoo of the Li Ethnic Group