
  1. 我们经常容易产生的对于佛像艺术的误解的问题;

    This is liable to cause misreading about the arts of the figure of buddha .

  2. 关于佛像艺术

    On Art of the Buddhist Statue

  3. 云冈石窟佛像雕刻艺术

    Art of Engraving Buddha in the Yungang Grotto

  4. 同时佛像造像的艺术也促进了中国雕塑艺术的发展。

    Buddha Statues in art while promoting the development of Chinese sculpture .

  5. 云冈石窟由北魏少数民族政权组织建造,石窟的佛像雕塑在艺术风格、美学特征和社会功能上都与当时的政治密切相关,艺术价值本身却未得到很好的重视。

    Yungang grottoes were built by the government of minority at the North Wei Dynasty . The artistic style , aesthetic features and social significance of Yungang grottoes have close contact with the society .