
  • 网络famous buddhist mountain
  1. 峨眉山是中国四大佛教名山之一。

    Emei Shan is one of china 's four great Buddhist mountains .

  2. 这四座佛教名山都有着悠久的历史和源远流长、丰富多彩的佛教文化。

    They all have long history , rich and varied Buddhist Culture .

  3. 另外两座佛教名山也有上市的雄心。

    The other two have ambitions to list as well .

  4. 并称为中国四大佛教名山。

    Are known as china 's four famous Buddhist mountains .

  5. 鸡足山是中国第五大佛教名山。

    Jizu mountain are the fifth-famous Chinese Buddhist mountains .

  6. 南京牛首山是中国佛教名山之一。

    Niushou Mountain in Nanjing is a sacred mountain in China 's Buddhism .

  7. 游览山东佛教名山

    A Tour of Shandong 's Famous Buddhism Mountains

  8. 峨眉山是中国佛教名山,在四川省峨眉县城西南。

    Emei Mountain , a famous mountain worshipped by Buddhists , is situated southwest of Emei County in Sichuan Province .

  9. 中国四大佛教名山上周成为社交媒体热议的话题,不过这一次和宗教无关。

    China 's four sacred Buddhist mountains have become hot topics in social media this week , but not because of religion .

  10. 九华山位于安徽省青阳县南,中国四大佛教名山之一。

    Mt Jiuhua located in the south of Qingyang county , Anhui province , the Jiuhua moutain is one of china 's four Buddhist shrines .

  11. 五台山位于山西省五台县,是中国四大佛教名山之一,且是惟一见述于佛经的中国名山。

    Mt Wutai Located in Wutai County , Shanxi Province , the Wutai Moutain is one of the country 's four well-known Buddhist shrines and the only Chinese mountain mentioned in Buddhist scriptures .

  12. 在光秃的树丫间,哈尔滨冰灯节的雕塑颇具中国特色:长城,紫禁城,神圣的佛教名山。

    Rising among the barren trees , the sculptures of the Harbin Ice Lantern Festival took the shapes of iconic Chinese monuments : the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , sacred Buddhist mountains .

  13. 九华山在皖南青阳县南,原名九子山,是中国四大佛教名山之一。

    Jiu'hua'shan or nine flowers mountain , originally known as jiu'zi'shan or nine offspring mountain , is situated south of Qingyang County and is considered one of the four sacred seats of Buddhism in china .

  14. 所以,九华山成为佛教名山的时间虽然要晚于其它三座名山,但在明清时期的发展速度却是最快的。

    Although it was much later for Mount Jiuhua to become one of the famous Buddhist mountains than the other three , its speed in development was the fastest in the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  15. 他晚年隐居佛教名山鸡足山十余年,但后人不知他究竟做了些什么。

    He retreated to Jizu ( cock-claw ) Mountain , a famous Buddhist resort , in his later years and lived there for teens of years , during which what he had done remains unknown .

  16. 五台山位居中国四大佛教名山之首,在旅游业蓬勃发展的时代背景下,五台山的佛教文化旅游蕴藏着巨大的潜力,显示着特殊的魅力。

    Mountains Wu Tai is the first in the four Buddhism famous mountains . In the background of flourishing travel development , Mountains Wu Tai Buddhism culture and travel are rich in great potentialities and show special charm .

  17. 普陀山距大陆海岸线约有20英里(约合32公里),有时也被称作“海天佛国”,是中国四大佛教名山之一。佛教名山可谓是佛教净土。

    Mount Putuo , which is about 20 miles from the coastline and is sometimes called " Buddhist heaven above sea , " is considered one of China 's four Buddhist mountains - the jingtu , or " pure lands , " for Buddhists .

  18. 佛教名山五台山位于中国西部的山西省,五台山新闻办主任告诉新华社,2010年五台山开始筹备上市,预计2012年底前完成五台山上市前期准备工作。

    Officials in the news office of Mountain Wutai , another prominent Buddhist mountain in China 's western Shanxi province , told Xinhua that their company had been preparing to go public since 2010 and would be listed before the end of this year .

  19. 还没听说过佛教八小名山呢。

    But never the eight lesser Buddhist mountains .

  20. 宝华山隆昌寺作为佛教律宗第一名山,受到各代皇族的垂青。

    Long Chang Buddhist Temple in Baohua Mountain , as the first famous mountain , was favored by royal generations .

  21. 九华山与五台山、峨眉山、普陀山并称中国佛教四大名山。

    Mt. Jiuhua , Mt. Wutai , Mt. Emei and Mt. Putuo are called " Four Great Buddhist Mountains " in China .

  22. 位于四川省峨眉县西南,中国佛教四大名山之一。

    Emei Mountain Located in the southwest of Emei County , Sichuan Province , the Emei Mountain is one of the four Buddhist Shrines .

  23. 中国佛教四大名山,有这样的称谓:金五台、银峨嵋、铜普陀、铁九华。

    In four famous Buddhist Mountains of China , there are such appellations : golden Mountain Wutai , argent Mountain Emei , patina Mountain Putuo , ferric Mountain Jiuhua .

  24. 清代还多见于以佛教人物、佛教名山命名的岩洞。

    In Qing Dynasty , there were also many caves named after famous Buddhist figures and mountains .