
jī yóu jūn
  • chanterelle
  1. 一杯鸡油菌、羊肚菌、香菇或大型顶蘑菇能提供400IU(维生素类生物制品的国际单位),即65%的每日必需量。

    A cup of chanterelle , morel , shiitake or Portobello provides about 400 IUs , or 65 percent of DV .

  2. 最近在伦敦Hixter餐厅享用晚餐时,主厨朗尼·莫瑞(RonnieMurray)以一盘朗塞斯顿羔羊肉和有肉质口感的鸡油菌,来搭配七田谦介的“纯米75”。

    At a recent dinner at Hixter , a restaurant here , the head chef , Ronnie Murray , paired a plate of Launceston lamb and meaty girolle mushrooms with Mr. Shichida 's 75 Junmai , a full-bodied sake that uses unpolished rice , a rarity even in Japan .

  3. 将鸡油菌放于雪花肥牛中,然后卷起。

    Put Chanterelle Mushroom on the top of fat beef , then roll it .

  4. 虽然鸡油菌类真菌又与各肉质的伞菌类群的关系相对较密切,但它应该有其相对独立的进化路线,将这一类真菌上升至目一级的分类阶元是比较恰当的;

    The cantharelloid fungi appear comparatively closely related with the true agarics , but they seem to have a relatively separated evolutionary line among them ;