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  • 网络schmaltz;Chicken Fat;CHICKEN GREASE
  1. 美国科学家正在为鸡油开发一种新的用途。

    American scientists are developing a new use for chicken fat .

  2. 他正在熬鸡油以便取得油渣。

    He is trying out chicken fat for crackling .

  3. 氧化鸡油通过Maillard反应生成鸡肉风味物质的研究

    Effect of Chicken Oil Oxidization Combining with Maillard Reaction on Chicken Flavorings

  4. 气相色谱法检测鸡油中的BHA、BHT

    Determination of BHA 、 BHT in Chicken Oil by Gas Chromatography

  5. 鸡油加脂剂的研制与应用

    Development And Applications Of Chicken Oil Fatliquor

  6. 科学家说,鸡油和其他天然产品将来可能会变成重要燃料。

    The scientists say chicken fat and other natural products could become important fuels in the future .

  7. 研究了辐照对鸡腿肉脂肪酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶、鸡油的过氧化物值含量的影响,并探讨了不同贮藏时间对脂肪和油脂的自氧化作用。

    The effects of gamma irradiation on the activities of aleipsis , peroxidase , perhydrol catalase and the peroxide values in chicken oil and effects of different storage time on self-oxidation of fat and lipa in irradiated chicken were studied .

  8. 乌骨鸡脂肪油是乌骨鸡重要的营养成份之一,其脂肪酸组成更是影响肉质风味的重要化学成分。

    The oil was one of the main nutritional components in the Black-bone silky fowl ( Gallus gellus demesticus brissen ), and its composition of fatty acids was the contributing factor to the flavor .

  9. 用福尔马林溶液对CAV进行灭活,通过常规途径制备鸡贫血病油乳剂灭活苗。将此灭活苗接种SPF成鸡,接种后3周检测成鸡CAV抗体,检出率为9/9;

    The CAV was inactivated by formalin Then prepared for the inactivated vaccine with a commercial oil adjuvant according to the normal way SPF breeder birds were inoculated with this vaccine The antibody to CAV was detected 3 weeks post vaccination , the positive ratios were 9 / 9 ;

  10. 采用GC-MS法检测鸡肉体中矿物油残留

    Determination of Mineral Oil Residues in Chicken Meat by GC-MS

  11. 鸡对新城疫油活混合苗的免疫应答

    Immune response induced by the combined vaccine of Nd

  12. 鸡败血交原体油乳苗的研究

    Studies on an oil-emulsion mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine

  13. 一道红烧茄子就要用20只鸡的卵巢炼出来的鸡油来做,因此未来可能不会发展出特许经营。

    At 20 ovaries per dish of braised eggplant , there may be no franchise in its future .