
  • 网络Egg Noodle
  1. 我想要中碗西红柿鸡蛋面。

    I want a medium size bowl of tomato and egg noodles .

  2. 从选对面条开始:用粗面条还是细面条取决于个人喜好,但皮塔克大厨强调,你必须使用新鲜的鸡蛋面。

    Start with the right noodles : Using thick or thin noodles depends on personal preference , but the chef emphasizes , ' You must use fresh egg noodles . ' There is no substitute .

  3. 从鸡蛋面到荞麦面,那朱莉娅里有各种各样的面食。

    U can have different kinds of noodles from egg to buckwheat .

  4. 只有自制意大利面(奶油培根鸡蛋面),配上炒菠菜和蒜头。

    Just some homemade pasta ( spaghetti cabonara ) with a side order of saut é ed spinach and garlic .

  5. 发现我这一桌的白色桌布上有掉出来的一根鸡蛋面疙瘩时,她轻啧一声,然后匆忙拿来了清理碎屑的刷子。

    When she spotted a runaway squiggle of spaetzle on my white tablecloth , she clucked softly and scurried off to get a crumb sweeper .

  6. 我在罗马的第一餐饭很平常。只有自制意大利面(奶油培根鸡蛋面),配上炒菠菜和蒜头。

    The first meal I ate in Rome was nothing much . Just some homemade pasta ( spaghetti cabonara ) with a side order of sauted spinach and garlic .

  7. 采购:酱油,粉丝,虾条,酒,鸡蛋面,花生,水果罐头,及有机食品。

    Buy : Soy Sauce , Vermicelli , Prawn Crackers , Wine , Egg noodle , Mixed containers of seed peanuts , Tinned Fruits , Organic and Gluten free Products .

  8. 你想要两碗鸡蛋西红柿面吗?

    Would you like two bowls of egg and tomato noodles ?

  9. 一个盘子装上咸肉鸡蛋和烤面�

    to have a tray with bacon and egg and fried bread

  10. 《鸡蛋西红柿手工面》饿了,就找了家面馆,山西的鸡蛋西红柿手工面就是地道!

    Tomato and eggs noodles I find a noodle shop when I am hungry , it is so good of Shan Xitomato and eggs noodles !