
  • 网络chicken noodle;Chicken Noodle Soup;chicken soup;Soto-Maruda
  1. 鸡汤面哈肉海鲜汤怎么样?

    How about chicken noodle clam showder soup ?

  2. 鸡汤面、蕃茄和洋葱。

    Chicken Noodle , Tomato and Onion .

  3. 传统的中国生日宴常有鸡汤面。

    A traditional Chinese birthday dinner usually includes chicken soup noodle .

  4. 我父亲喜欢吃鸡汤面。

    My father likes noodles in the chicken soup .

  5. 还有鸡汤面,它总能带来慰藉,年轻人和老年人都喜欢。

    And then there is chicken noodle soup , a constant comfort , loved by young and old .