
  • 网络Jiguan Mountain;Hill Crest
  1. 并由此增加了鸡冠山2排土场容积1837万m3,从而减少了排土场占地面积,提高了经济效益,为矿山安全生产提供了技术支持和安全保障。

    And thus increase the dilated mountain 2 # dump vol-ume 1837 million , thus reducing the dump area , improve the economic benefit and for the safe production in mines provides technical support and security .

  2. 阿里山山脉北起从南投集集浊水溪南岸,南抵高雄燕巢鸡冠山。

    Li mountain range is located north from the south bank of Chou Shui river in Nantou 's Jiji and south to Ji Guan mountain in Kaohsiung 's Yanchao .