
hú bīn ɡōnɡ yuán
  • Lakeside Park;waterfront park
  1. 享受过所有这一切后,就在美不胜收的湖滨公园里轻松一下吧。

    And after all this , just relax in the exquisite Lake Gardens .

  2. 现在吉隆坡市内的一些公园如湖滨公园等,都是利用废锡矿场改建而成的。

    Now some of the park in Kuala Lumpur lake park , such as using waste tin ore field is rebuilt .

  3. 本文通过对芝加哥湖滨千禧公园的介绍,阐明了滨水空间从传统的运输、工业中心,成为城市开放空间和公共艺术中心的转变。

    Millennium Park , with its downtown location and24 hectares , is now creating a new image for this old industry and commercial centre as it converts to public activities and art centre .