
  • 网络hubei university of economics;Hubei University of Economic
  1. 湖北经济学院

    Hubei University of Economics

  2. 高校校园规划模式再探&谈湖北经济学院新校区规划设计方案

    Re-exploring the Pattern of Campus Planning & The Case of Campus Planning of Hubei University of Economics

  3. 湖北经济学院新校区

    New Campus of Wuhan University of Economics

  4. 市场营销专业实践教学改革与模式研究&以湖北经济学院市场营销专业为例

    Research on the Reform of Marketing Practice Teaching Modes & Taking the Marketing Major at Hubei University of Economics As an Example

  5. 采用文献资料法、调查问卷法和数理统计法,对湖北经济学院学生参加健美操俱乐部锻炼情况进行了调查、分析与研究。

    This paper investigated the students ' participation in calisthenics clubs in Hubei Institute of Economics through literature study , questionnaire and mathematical statistics .

  6. 湖北经济学院要求该校学生在一个学期当中至少要跑30次,而每天最多有1次运动记录记入到大一到大三学生的体育成绩中。

    Hubei University of Economics requires its students to run at least 30 times a semester , and only one record each day will be added to undergraduate 's PE result .

  7. 黄多克在公交车站与父母挥手作别,泪水却在她的眼眶中打转。这位18岁的姑娘是湖北经济学院的一名大一新生。

    Tears welling up in her eyes , Huang Duoke , 18 , a freshman at Hubei University of Economics , stands alone at the bus station and waves her parents goodbye .

  8. 介绍了湖北经济学院电子商务模拟平台身份认证系统的设计方案及其主要功能,并总结了其相对于传统身份认证系统所具有的优点。

    This paper introduces the design scheme of the E-business platform identity authentication system developed by Hubei Economic College and its main functions , and sums up its advantages comparing with the traditional identity authentication system .

  9. 今年刚刚毕业的鲍佳丽说,她对自己的工资很满意。鲍佳丽毕业于湖北经济学院,目前在广东从事市场营销工作,月薪3800元。

    ' I 'm pretty satisfied with my salary , ' said Bao Jiali , who graduated this year from the Hubei University of Economics and currently works in Guangdong as a marketing professional making 3,800 yuan a month . '

  10. 湖北省经济管理干部学院学院简介

    Hubei Institute of economic management

  11. 本研究以湖北教育学院、湖北经济学院、华中师范大学、中南财经政法大学、武汉工程大学、武汉商贸学院、孝感学院的学生和体育老师为研究对象。

    This study collected status from Hubei Institute of Education , Hubei Institute of Economy , Central China Normal University , Zhongnan University of Ecnomics and Law , Wuhan Engineering University , Wuhan Institute of Commerce and Trade , Xiaogan Institute .