
hú shuǐ
  • lake water
湖水[hú shuǐ]
  1. 大风吹得湖水汹涌地扑向海滩。

    The wind made the lake water billow onto the beach .

  2. 湖水澄碧。

    The lake water is a clear blue .

  3. 我们的旅馆位于可俯瞰湖水的小山坡上。

    Our hotel was on the hillside overlooking the lake .

  4. 湖水清澈见底。

    The water was so clear we could see the bottom of the lake .

  5. 游泳者从湖水中浮出来。

    The swimmer emerged from the lake .

  6. 湖水已被抽干。

    The lake had been pumped dry .

  7. 采矿会污染湖水,毁掉森林。

    Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest

  8. 溢出的湖水倾泻而下,形成了一座日式水景花园的瀑布。

    The loch 's overflow cascades into the waterfalls of a Japanese water garden .

  9. 那些透明密闭容器一浸入湖水中就开始溶解。

    The clear capsules start dissolving as soon as they are immersed in the lake .

  10. 有很多人或随意或认真地尝试过,想要找到尼斯湖水怪。

    There have been many attempts , both light-hearted and serious , to locate the Loch Ness Monster .

  11. 平静的湖水非常美丽。

    The calm water in the lake was really beautiful .

  12. 今年湖水解冻很早。

    The lake thawed early this year .

  13. 湖水清如明镜。

    The lake is as clear as a bright mirror .

  14. 湖水碧绿澄清。

    The water of the lake is green and clear .

  15. 平静的湖水映出山的优美轮廓。

    The still water of the lake mirrored the shapely figure of the mountain .

  16. 湖水荡漾。

    There were ripples on the lake .

  17. 湖水涸竭。

    The lake dried up .

  18. 清凉的湖水吸引我去游泳。

    The cool water of the lake invited me to swim .

  19. 平静的湖水引起我们去游泳的兴趣。

    The calm water in the lake invited us to swim .

  20. 这湖水流入扬子江。

    The waters of the lake flow out into the Yangtze river .

  21. 树木倒映在平静的湖水里。

    The trees were mirrored in the still water of the lake .

  22. 湖水清澈,犹如明镜。

    The lake is like a clear bright mirror .

  23. 湖水过滤后用管道输送到各家各户。

    The lake water passes through a filter before it is piped to our homes .

  24. 湖水明澈如镜。

    The lake is like a mirror .

  25. 湖水清澈,游鱼历历可数。

    The water of the lake was so clear that every fish could be seen distinctly .

  26. 只有当湖水达到合适的水位时。

    When the water hits the right level .

  27. 湖水的腐蚀性非常强,以至于他能灼伤无法适应的动物的皮肤和眼睛。

    The water is so corrosive that it can burn the skin and eyes of unadapted animals .

  28. 尼斯湖水怪是一个著名的传说。

    The Loch Ness Monster is a famous legend .

  29. 关于尼斯湖水怪的第一个故事出现在500多年前,但这个传说到20世纪才广泛流传。

    The first story about a monster in Loch Ness was told over 500 years ago , but the legend of the monster spread widely only in the twentieth century .

  30. 房子高高地坐落在可以俯瞰湖水的小山上

    The house sits high on a hill overlooking a lake .