
  • 网络Lake Island;Island Lake
  1. 得益于这首诗的流行(在1999年时被《爱尔兰时报》(IrishTimes)的读者票选为他们素来喜爱的爱尔兰诗作),茵湖岛多少形成了某种品牌效应。

    Thanks to the popularity of the poem ( voted by readers of The Irish Times in 1999 as their all-time favorite work of Irish poetry ), Innisfree is a bit of a brand .

  2. 得益于这首诗的流行(在1999年时被《爱尔兰时报》(IrishTimes)的读者票选为他们素来喜爱的爱尔兰诗作),“茵湖岛”多少形成了某种品牌效应。

    Thanks to the popularity of the poem ( voted by readers of The Irish Times in 1999 as their all-time favorite work of Irish poetry ) , " Innisfree " is a bit of a brand .

  3. 附近矗立着一座农庄,门外停着几辆SUV,还有几座小型的混凝土船坞探入湖中,几乎直指着就在几百码开外的茵湖岛。

    A farmhouse with a couple of S.U.V.s parked outside stood nearby , and there was a little concrete dock jutting out into the lake , pointed almost directly at Innisfree a few hundred yards away .

  4. 埃塞俄比亚这个国家最让人神往的便是它无数的历史古迹,方尖石塔,阿克苏姆(Axum)石碑,教堂,塔纳湖岛Tigre的科普特人修道院,以及拉利贝拉(Lalibela)的非洲耶路撒冷的岩石教堂。

    Much of the fascination of Ethiopia lies in its myriad historical sites , the obelisks and stele of Axum , the churches and coptic monasteries in the Tigre , in the Lake Tana isles and in the Lalibela : the African Jerusalem with its monolithic churches .

  5. 充分利用已挖深槽建设海水厂及湖岛港

    Fully utilize the dredged deep-water channel to construct the sea waterworks and harbours

  6. 只是茵湖岛偏巧不是当中很有氛围的一座。

    As it happens , though , Innisfree is not one of the atmospheric ones .

  7. 在瓦湖岛上度假时,我们坐在旅游车里等候掉队的人。

    Vacationing on the island of Oahu , we were waiting in our tour bus for some stragglers to show up .

  8. 几年前的时候,我恰好人在都柏林,便决定化心动为行动:前往茵湖岛。

    A few years ago , I found myself in Dublin and decided to do it for real : go to Innisfree .

  9. 叶芝的《茵内斯弗利湖岛》不是一首传统意义上的田园诗,而是一曲现代意义上的天堂牧歌。

    The Lake Isle of Innisfree is not a traditional pastoral , but a poem with profound reflection of our modern life .

  10. 我走到船坞外侧,面朝着茵湖岛盘腿坐下,任由清风自在倾诉。

    I got out on the dock , sat cross-legged facing the island , and let the wind say what it had to say .

  11. 茵梦湖岛我将要动身去茵梦湖,在那里建座小屋,用粘土和树篱;

    The Lake Isle of Innisfree By William butler yeats I will arise and go now , and go to Innisfree , And a small cabin build there , of clay and wattles made ;

  12. 实际上,就在日本空军中队已经开始轰炸美国瓦湖岛之后的一小时,日本驻美国大使还向我们的国务卿提交了对美国最近致日方信函的正式答复。

    Indeed , one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu , the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message .

  13. 浚湖筑岛保护太湖

    Protection of the Taihu Lake by dredging and island construction

  14. 论民族地区旅游社区参与主体的培育&以泸沽湖里格岛为例

    On the Cultivation of Tourism Community Participant in Ethnic Region

  15. 我有更好的主意——把自己想像成湖上的岛吧。

    Here 's a better idea - imagine you 're an island in a lake , instead .

  16. 据当地媒体报道,她将成为河南信阳南湾湖景区61岛总岛主,她的工作内容就是每天写博客、拍摄宣传片、组织招募网友活动和参加景区大型活动。

    Her job is to write blogs , shoot promotion videos and recruit and organize netizens to visit the Nanhu Lake Senic Spot in Xinyang City , Henan Province .

  17. 黑龙江扎龙、吉林向海、西鄱阳湖、南东洞庭湖、海鸟岛和海南东寨港等6处自然保护区被列为国际重要湿地。

    Another six nature reserves zhalong in heilongjiang , Xianghai in jilin , Boyang Lake in jiangxi , East Dongting Lake in hunan , bird island in Qinghai and Dongzhai Harbor in hainan have been included in the list of the world 's important wetlands .

  18. 有以此为名的护肤品品牌“悦诗风吟”,有以此为名的淡香水,有以此为名的早餐旅馆,有以此为名的酒店,还有巡游于吉尔湖上的游船“茵湖岛玫瑰号”(RoseofInnisfree)。

    There are Innisfree cosmetics , an Innisfree Eau de Parfum , an Innisfree B & B , an Innisfree Hotel and a Rose of Innisfree tour boat that does the lake .