
  • 网络molokai;Moloka'i
  1. 世界第四高的欧罗尤佩纳瀑布,是此份榜单上第二条位于夏威夷莫洛凯岛上的瀑布。

    The fourth-highest waterfall in the world , Olo'upena Falls , is the second waterfall on our list found on the remote Hawaiian island of Moloka'i.

  2. 它就像一条薄绸,飘荡在莫洛凯岛东北部海岸线的陡峭悬崖上,落差达840米(2755英尺)。

    This thin ribbon of water is located on a cliff on the island 's northeastern coastline , where it drops 2755 feet ( 840 meters ) .

  3. 莫洛凯岛海岸环境险恶,有时会出现非凡的景象——狂风扫过悬崖表面,将瀑布吹到空中,并使其呈扇形散开,吞吐水雾。

    The coast of Moloka'i is a fearsome environment that sometimes produces a phenomenal sight . Powerful winds blowing up the cliff face loft the falls into the air , causing them to fan out into misty spray .