
  1. 莫将新酒装入旧瓶中。

    Do not put new wine into old Bottle .

  2. 莫将红豆轻抛弃;

    We cannot abandon ourselves to a suitor ;

  3. 卡车上装着空啤酒瓶。莫将新酒装入旧瓶中。

    The lorry was loaded with empty beer bottles , Do not put new wine into old Bottle .

  4. 若您是接受编修的文章作者,也请莫将更动或更正处视为人身攻击。

    If you are the author of a page that has been copy-edited , please try not to take corrections personally .

  5. 显然,卡夫食品(KraftFoods)认为目前最明智的做法莫过于将公司一分为二。

    Apparently , the best possible strategy for Kraft Foods is to split the company in half .

  6. LadyGaga以描述自身是一位女权主义者而闻名,莫兰将她看做是一位杰出榜样。

    Lady Gaga is known for describing herself as a feminist and Moran sees her as an excellent role model .

  7. 失去爱最快的方法,莫过于将其牢牢抓在手心;

    The fasted way to lose love is to hold on it too tight ;

  8. 失去爱的方法,最快莫过于将其牢牢地抓在手心;令爱长驻的方法,最好莫过于赋予它一双翅膀——将爱放飞!

    The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight , the best way to keep love is to give it WINGS !

  9. 真的,对一个人来说,世上最好的赠礼莫过于将他的一切希冀化为焦唇,将一切生命化为甘泉。

    Surely there is no greater gift to a man than that which turns all his aims into parching lips and all life into a fountain .

  10. 最糟糕的欧元解体方式莫过于将欧元的命运交由一连串的市场恐慌来主宰。

    Allowing the fate of the euro to be driven by a succession of market panics would be the worst possible way of breaking up the single currency .

  11. 在你看来,最糟糕的事莫过于将你模式化,告诉你必须遵循什么或是和其他人做一样的事。

    The worst thing , then - the very worst thing of all , in your eyes - is being pressed into a mold , being told what to do , having to obey , and being forced to act like everyone else .

  12. 那时,大多桥梁都被粉刷为灰色、棕色和黑色,但莫洛将这座桥涂成了与底漆类似的“国际标准橘色”,不仅在雾中可见,它还与天空和海湾形成对比而更具魅力。

    Back then , most bridges were coated in grey , brown , and black , but Morrow had it painted in " international orange , " similar to the color of the base coat . Not only is international orange visible in fogs , it also complements and contrasts with the blues of the sky and the bay .

  13. 莫琳已将噩梦抛诸脑后。

    Maureen put the nightmare behind her

  14. 莫奈本人将该作品的时间标注为1872年,而他的旅行记录显示:更准确的时间可能是1872年。

    Monet himself dated the painting to 1872 , but records of his travels suggested 1873 might be more accurate .

  15. 《少年时代》最令人动容、最让人感概之处莫过于影片将一个鲜明的事实展现在了我们的面前:每一个大人都曾是孩子。

    It is impossible to watch this movie and not be moved and awestruck by an obvious truth : grownups were once children .

  16. 一旦获得紧急使用授权,莫德纳公司将开始运送数百万剂疫苗,专门用于卫生工作者和养老院患者。

    Once emergency use authorization is granted , Moderna will begin shipping millions of doses , earmarked for health workers and nursing home patients .

  17. 中国农业遇到的最为严峻的问题,莫过于如何将几亿农业剩余劳动力有序地转移到二三产业,并稳步、持续提高农民收入。

    A serious problem in the development of Chinese agriculture is how to shift the surplus labours to the second and third industriales and improve the income of the peasents steadily .

  18. 试验表明,当助剂的基质负载钒后,基质中容易生成含钒莫来石,可将部分钒钝化;

    Results indicate that silicoaluminium matrix loaded with vanadium forms vanadium mullite and passivates some vanadium in the matrix .

  19. 此外,虽然莫伊尼罕确实将公司商务机用于私人出行,但因为他已经支付了相关开销,公司并未披露该笔费用。

    While Moynihan does use the corporate jet for personal travel , none of those costs is disclosed because he pays for them himself .

  20. 次日,高通宣布莫伦科普夫将接任首席执行官一职,当然是在高通,而不是微软。

    The following morning , it was announced that Mollenkopf would indeed ascend to the CEO spot & but at Qualcomm , not Microsoft .

  21. 一个9岁的绘画天才新近卖出了24幅作品,价值25万英镑。这个小男孩的昵称叫小莫奈,自此将成为一名百万富翁。

    A nine-year-old art genius nicknamed Mini Monet is about to become a millionaire after selling his latest collection of 24 paintings for 250,000 pounds , the Daily Mail reported .

  22. 每逢周末,员工们最关心的问题莫过于本周将拿到多少奖金。你知道在万众瞩目的世界杯盛宴上,裁判和球员将有多少奖金入账吗?

    A paycheck at the end of the week is something all employees look forward to , but what can players and referees - who will have all eyes on them on the world 's biggest stage - expect to see on their checks ?