
  • 网络Moritz;Michael Moritz;Christoph Moritz
  1. 而在之前一天,红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)合伙人迈克尔•莫里茨曾对这种数字货币的未来表示质疑。

    And they came a day after Sequoia Capital partner Michael Moritz expressed skepticism toward the digital currency .

  2. 冬天她会在瑞士圣莫里茨(StMoritz)越野滑雪。

    in the winter she goes cross-country skiing in St Moritz .

  3. 20年来,莫里茨领导着红杉(Sequoia)进行了一些最成功的投资,其中包括雅虎(Yahoo)、谷歌(Google)、贝宝(PayPal)和商务社交网站LinkedIn。

    These include Yahoo , Google , PayPal , and LinkedIn .

  4. 鉴于莫里茨曾在贝宝(PayPal)等支付类公司进行过投资,因此我们想听听他对于比特币的看法。

    Moritz also was asked for his views on bitcoin , given his history of payment investments like PayPal .

  5. 许多山区的湖泊冬天全部结冰,为掷石,骑马和塞狗提供场所,特别是圣莫里茨地区(st.moritz)比较流行。

    Many mountain lakes freeze over during winter and are used for curling , horse and dog racing , particularly around St. Moritz .

  6. 他的制作人莫里茨•博尔曼(MoritzBorman)引着众人走到另一个角落。

    His producer , Moritz Borman , led the way to another corner .

  7. 红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)董事长迈克尔•莫里茨(MichaelMoritz)和他的妻子哈里特•海曼(HarrietHeyman)承诺为该基金提供7500万英镑初始资金。

    Michael Moritz , chairman of Sequoia Capital , and Harriet Heyman , his wife , are seeding the fund with a pledge of £ 75m .

  8. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世最近册封著名硅谷风险投资人迈克尔•莫里茨为爵士,以表彰他对英国经济和慈善事业的贡献,其中包括他为母校牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)提供的一大笔资金。

    Michael Moritz , the renowned Silicon Valley venture capitalist , recently became Sir Michael , knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his promotion of British economic interests and his philanthropy , including a large gift to his alma mater , Oxford University .

  9. 昨日有消息称,伦敦美银美林实习生莫里茨•埃哈特(MoritzErhardt)上周被发现死于他在东伦敦住所的淋浴房内。

    Moritz Erhardt , an intern at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London was found dead last week in his shower at his accommodation in east London , it emerged yesterday .

  10. 瑞士的圣莫里茨又一次被选为比赛场地。

    St. Moritz , Switzerland was again chosen as the venue .

  11. 今年1月,莫里茨给我打电话,斯通说。

    Last January , Moritz calls me , Stone said .

  12. 重审美经验是西方近现代美学研究的一大趋势,作为现象学美学奠基者的莫里茨·盖格尔更是强化了这一点。

    Emphasis on aesthetic exprerience is the trend of modern western aesthetic study .

  13. 莫里茨-海曼奖学金计划将从10月起为首批100名学生提供支持。

    The Moritz-Heyman scholarship programme will support its first 100 students from October .

  14. 圣莫里茨的平均降雪量是多少?

    What 's the average snowfall in San moritz ?

  15. 莫里茨表示:“若没有当年陌生人的慷慨解囊,就不会有我的今天。”

    Mr Moritz said : " I wouldn 't be here today were it not for the generosity of strangers . "

  16. 在奖学金基金的帮助下,莫里茨—海曼奖学金获得者们每年仅需支付3500英镑学费,并且这部分学费还可获得英国政府的补贴贷款。

    Thanks to the fund , the Moritz-Heyman scholars will pay only £ 3500 , for which students receive subsidised loans from the government .

  17. 无数嘉宾前注圣莫里茨这个美丽的瑞士兵旅游胜地,出席开幕式并观看其后的比赛。

    Numerous guests of honor traveled to St. Moritz , the beautiful tourist resort of Switzerland , to attend the opening ceremony and the competitions that followed .

  18. 莫里茨&海曼奖学金项目的成立适逢英格兰大学改革之际,包括牛津在内的很多学校学费上涨,从每年3375英镑升至9000英镑。

    The programme will take effect as university reforms in England mean tuition fees increase at many universities – including Oxford – from 3,375 to 9,000 a year .

  19. 莫里茨—海曼奖学金项目的成立适逢英格兰大学改革之际,包括牛津在内的很多学校学费上涨,从每年3375英镑升至9000英镑。

    The programme will take effect as university reforms in England mean tuition fees increase at many universities - including Oxford - from £ 3375 to £ 9000 a year .

  20. 莫里茨表示,这得益于他的“多语言技能”,他能够以“极大的魅力和耐心”与工程师、销售人员和金融分析师有效沟通。

    This played on his " multilingual skills " , says Mr Moritz , where he can communicate effectively with engineers , sales people and financial analysts " with great charm and patience " .

  21. 去年,莫里茨宣布,由于所患疾病尚未治愈(他没有说明是什么疾病),他正在远离红杉的管理层,消息震动了整个风险投资界。

    Last year Moritz shocked Sand Hill Road ( home of many VC firms ) by announcing that he was stepping away from active management of Sequoia because of an unspecified and incurable ailment .

  22. 莫里茨表示:我父亲在少年时逃离了纳粹德国的魔爪,并完全依赖奖学金入读了非常好的学校。

    Mr Moritz said : My father was plucked as a teenager from Nazi Germany and was able to attend a very good school # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; . # 8201 ; entirely on scholarship .

  23. 莫里茨表示:“我父亲在少年时逃离了纳粹德国的魔爪,并完全依赖奖学金入读了非常好的学校。全靠奖学金的支持,他得以延续学业,入读牛津大学。”

    Mr Moritz said : " My father was plucked as a teenager from Nazi Germany and was able to attend a very good school   .   .   .   entirely on scholarship . And went on , entirely thanks to scholarships , to study at Oxford . "