
  • 网络Tropical agriculture;IITA
  1. 概述WTO农业规则的主要内容,分析加入WTO对我国农业的影响,提出充分运用WTO农业规则发展我国热带农业的措施。

    This paper summarizes the main contents of WTO agricultural rules , analyzes the influence of China 's entry into WTO on its agriculture , and suggests measures of developing tropical agriculture by making full use of WTO agricultural rules .

  2. 海南热带农业信息资源开发状况分析

    Analysis of the development status of Hainan tropical agriculture information resources

  3. 海南省热带农业科技力量评价及SWOT分析

    Evaluation and SWOT Analysis of Tropic Agricultural Science and Technology Power in Hainan Province

  4. 对中国热带农业科学院自身育成的材料单独进行UPGMA聚类,结果与系谱相吻合。

    The germplasms selected by the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences were used to establish a UPGMA tree separately .

  5. 华南热带农业大学硕士学位论文6、施氮量超过300Kg月加2后,蔬菜叶片中影响氮同化关键酶活性的阳离子含量显著下降,影响了蔬菜对氮的同化,叶片中全氮含量下降。

    When applied - N amount was more than 300Kg / hm2 , the contents of some cations , which effect on key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation , was declined significantly , thus , total-N decreased in leaves of swamp cabbage .

  6. 海南热带农业现代化的实证分析与对策探讨

    Example Analysis and Counter-measure Exploration of Tropical Agricultural Modernization in Hainan

  7. 基于内容管理的热带农业数据库管理平台研究

    Research of Tropical Agricultural Database Administration Platform Based on Content Management

  8. 国际热带农业中心正在开发计算机软件,用于分析未来的气候设想情况。

    CIAT is developing computer software to analyse future climate scenarios .

  9. 加快广东农垦现代热带农业发展的思考

    Development of Tropical Agriculture in State Farms of Guangdong Province

  10. 热带农业推广体系的现状与发展对策

    Present Situation and Future Development of Tropical Agricultural Extension System

  11. 海南岛综合自然资源特点与热带农业生产的发展

    Natural resources of Hainan Island related to the agricultural development

  12. 热带农业文献资源数字化建设研究与实践

    Research and practice in Construction of Digitalized Tropical Agriculture Literature

  13. 高校双语教学的影响因素及其对策&以华南热带农业大学为例

    The Influential Factors and Solutions of Bilingual Teaching in Universities

  14. 对国际热带农业研究所收集的稻属种的柱头外露性状的研究

    Studies on the Character of Stigma Exsertion Among Some of Oryza Species

  15. 中国热带农业及其国际化合作的探讨

    Study on Tropical Agriculture in China and International Cooperation

  16. 推动海南热带农业产业化进程的对策研究

    Studying Countermeasures to promote Hainan Tropical Agricultural Industrialization Process

  17. 热带农业与热带旅游业的共生发展模式

    Discussed on the Tropical Agriculture and the Tropical Tourist Symbiosis Development in Hainan

  18. 1998~2002年《华南热带农业大学学报》引文分析

    Citation Analysis of Journal of South China University of Tropical Agriculture from 1998-2002

  19. 迎接生物经济浪潮与热带农业科技创新

    Bio-economic Tide and Technological Innovation in Tropical Agriculture

  20. 海南的农业资源特点和热带农业发展道路选择

    Characteristics of Agriculture Resources and Path Selection of Tropical Agriculture Development in Hainan Province

  21. 海南省热带农业废弃物资源化利用状况及对策

    Utilization of Tropical Agricultural Wastes in Hainan Province

  22. 提高滇东南热带农业山区农民成果分布的思路

    To Enhance the Distribution of Farmer 's Achievement in Mountainous Area of Southeast Yunnan

  23. 热带农业生态旅游示范园的创建

    Establishing the Tropical Agriculture Eco-tourism Demonstration Garden

  24. 热带农业研究训练中心

    Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Centre

  25. 海南岛热带农业光能资源利用率研究

    A study of the light energy resource utilization rate of the tropical agriculture in Hainan Island

  26. 热带农业环境远程监控平台系统的技术与实现

    Technology and Implementation of a Platform System for Remote Monitoring and Control of Tropical Agricultural Environment

  27. 世界热带农业发展与海南现代热带大农业发展道路

    The Development of the World Tropical Agriculture and the Developmental Road of Modern Tropical Agriculture in Hannan

  28. 国际热带农业研究所

    International Institute for Tropical Agriculture

  29. 建设热带农业国际科技交流与合作基地的瓶颈问题与对策

    Bottleneck Problems for Establishment of CATAS International Technological Exchange and Cooperation Base for Tropical Agriculture and Their Solutions

  30. 天然橡胶是海南热带农业的支柱型产业,每年产生的橡胶废水多达数百万吨。

    Natural rubber is the pillar industry of Hainan tropical agricultural , producing millions of tons of rubber wastewater each year .