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  • 网络Chicken rice;Hainanese Chicken Rice;Nasi Ayam
  1. 怡丰茶餐厅除了Laksa之外还有牛杂汤和砂煲鸡饭。

    Other than Laksa , there are also Mixed Beef Soup and Claypot Chicken Rice .

  2. 主要售卖海南芽菜鸡饭。

    Main dishes is hainan chicken rice with sprouts .

  3. 他新开的Flock&Fowl餐厅专做中国南方的经典美食海南鸡饭,不过他升级了原料,进行了一些创新,比如在粥的上面放炸鸡(自由放养的鸡)、(有机)荷包蛋和(自制)泡菜。

    His newest venture , Flock & Fowl , is devoted to the classic southern Chinese dish called Hainanese chicken rice , but with upgraded ingredients and innovations like congee topped with fried ( free-range ) chicken , a poached ( organic ) egg and ( house-made ) pickles .

  4. 金记的鸡饭味道如它的外观般梦幻!

    Kum Kee 's chicken rice tastes as dreamy as it looks !

  5. 短暂的礼拜后,这些穆斯林开始享用阿拉伯风格的鸡饭。

    After a short prayer , the Muslims shared Arab-style chicken rice .

  6. 咖喱鸡饭非常可口。

    The chicken curried with rice is very good .

  7. 鸡饭很容易就能进入马来西亚我最爱的街头美食榜。

    Chicken rice easily ranks as one of Malaysia 's best-loved hawker fare .

  8. 在一个印度餐厅一份咖喱鸡饭花了我们三十元.我妈妈经常和邻居一起去超市购物。

    Chicken curry and rice costs us about thirty yuan in an Indian restaurant .

  9. 海南鸡饭的美好还在于它的简单朴素。

    Chicken rice is beautiful in its simplicity .

  10. 进去只为无矫饰的经典鸡饭,他们的滑鸡鲜嫩多汁,爽滑弹牙。

    Their steamed chicken is tender , juicy , and springy with a smooth texture .

  11. 准备好为一碟著名的鸿成鸡饭而大排长龙吧。

    Be prepared to line up for a plate of Hong Seng 's famed chicken rice .

  12. 一盘鸡饭(当地很受欢迎的一种中国菜)是3美元。

    A plate of chicken rice , a popular local Chinese dish , is US $ 3 .

  13. 1份海南鸡饭

    X Hainan chicken rice

  14. 虽然新驰名的鸡饭有点小贵,但这的确是一份真正让人满意的美食

    While Chee Meng 's chicken rice is a tad pricey , it made for a real satisfying meal

  15. 位于吉隆坡市中心,新驰名鸡饭提供纯正的清真海南鸡饭。

    Located right in the heart of the city , Nasi Ayam Chee Meng dishes up authentic halal Hainanese chicken rice .

  16. 在南香你可以品尝到鸡饭和各种美食|图片由南香鸡饭店提供

    Chicken rice and a whole load of other yummy goodies can be found at Nam Heong | Picture courtesy of Nam Heong Chicken Rice

  17. 要在新加坡引起一场争吵,最快的方式就是询问几个当地人哪家的海南鸡饭最好吃。

    The quickest way to start a fight in Singapore is to ask two or more locals who serves the best chicken rice in town .

  18. 英国广播公司报道,在食堂的咖喱鸡饭里吃出老鼠肉之后,孟加拉国的大学官员下令清剿老鼠。

    University officials in Bangladesh have ordered a major rat extermination drive after rodent meat found its way into chicken curry served to students , the BBC reports .

  19. 蘸点能增添些少热量的姜蓉和辣椒酱,配上嘎嘣脆的黄豆芽或者一碗简单的河粉,来一大份熟透的怡保风味鸡饭吧。

    With ginger paste and chilli dips that pack some serious heat , have a full blown Ipoh-stle chicken rice meal with crunchy beansprouts or a simple bowl of hor fun .

  20. 出自美食茶餐室,连记鸡饭只在晚餐时段开张(下午5点到晚上11点半)并供应搭配一系列的本地小吃的怡保风味葱油鸡。

    Operating out of Restoran Mei Sek , Lian Kee chicken rice opens for dinner only ( 5.00pm to 11.30pm ) and offers chicken rice made Ipoh-style along with a selection of local favourites .

  21. 以海南岛来命名的“海南鸡饭”虽然在东南亚地区很有名,但是在海南本省却不怎么受欢迎。

    Hainan chicken rice , a famous dish in Southeast Asia bearing the region 's name , can be found on the island though it is not as popular there as its fame would suggest .

  22. 此外,餐厅还提供海南鸡饭、香煎马胶鱼等本地特色美食,让您有更多的选择。

    In addition , the restaurant also provides some local characteristic foods such as Poached Hainan Chicken Rice , Pan Fry Mackerel Fish Fillet and so on . Then you will have some more choice .

  23. 吃海南鸡饭最好的去处是新加坡无处不在的户外“摊贩中心”。这里就像美食广场一样,全是各种美味而接地气的咖喱面条和烤肉小摊,而不是安妮阿姨脆饼店或朱丽叶斯橙汁那样的连锁店。

    The best place to enjoy chicken rice is in one of Singapore 's ubiquitous open-air " hawker centers , " which are like mall food courts , but packed with amazing curried noodle and roti stands instead of Auntie Anne 's Pretzels and Orange Julius .

  24. 海南鸡饭是一种“脍炙人口”的海南饭——因其最早可能来源于中国海南岛,这种鸡饭是新加坡的一种非官方的国菜。新加坡是亚洲文化大熔炉之家,其多元的烹饪技术也反映出了这一特色。

    Also known as Hainanese rice - the original recipe may have come from the tiny Chinese island of Hainan - chicken rice is the unofficial national dish of Singapore , a country whose multicultural cuisine reflects the melting pot of Asian cultures that call it home .

  25. 我则煮咖哩鸡和饭。

    I cooked chicken curry and rice .

  26. 藏身于苏丹街(JalanSultan)的鸡容海南鸡饭茶餐室是我们鸡饭美食的下一站。茶餐室就在著名的南香饭店(NamHeong)隔壁。

    Tucked away on Jalan Sultan , Kam Kee 's Hainanese chicken rice is another delicious stop for chicken rice just a few doors away from Nam Heong .

  27. 鸡容茶餐室的鸡饭套餐从其美味的蒸鸡肉、香米饭和不放味精的菜汤,可以看出它质量的上乘。

    Kam Kee 's chicken rice shows quality all around with delicious steamed chicken , aromatic rice , and clear herbal soup with no traces of MSG

  28. 南香鸡饭店以其传遍了全巴生谷的生招牌,在鸡饭行业内享负盛名。

    Nam Heong Chicken Rice is a well-known name in the chicken rice business , with branches all over the Klang Valley .