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  • fish fillet;steck
鱼排[yú pái]
  1. 像牛肉一样,厚的金枪鱼排做到半熟即可食用。

    Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare , like beef

  2. 苏珊翻滚着一条鳕鱼并且切下了一块鱼排。

    Susan rummages around for a cod and cuts off a fillet .

  3. 我吃鱼排和薯条,她吃蔬菜水果沙拉。

    Fish steak with chips for me , salad for her .

  4. 要求你的鱼肉商帮你将鱼开成鱼排。

    Ask your fish monger to prepare the fish into fillets .

  5. 你喜欢面拖鱼还是面包屑鱼排?

    Do you prefer fish in batter or in breadcrumbs ?

  6. 洒盐和黑胡椒,橄榄油在鱼排的两面,并抹匀调味。

    Season salmon steaks with salt , pepper and Oliver oil , coat all over .

  7. 病鱼排白色粘液便粘于肛门呈拖粪状。鱼迅速衰弱,直至死亡。

    Fish dragged white , mucosity and long shit The fish debilitated rapidly and died .

  8. 小舢舨船是海上养鱼场的鱼农用来载送往返鱼排的工具。

    The small speed boats are used to travel to and fro the floating fish farms .

  9. 鱼排酶解物对鳙鱼鱼糜冻藏过程中蛋白质变性的影响

    Effects of enzymatic fish frame protein hydrolysate on denaturation of bighead carp surimi during frozen storage

  10. 他们供应鱼排综合套餐。

    They serve fish fillet combo .

  11. 传统的鱼排养殖存在风险系数高,工作方式原始等特点。

    The traditional fish farming there is a risk factor , the original work and so on .

  12. 目前,包括红波奶酪、香蕉和鱼排在内的各类食品都已有国际标准。

    There are international standards for all kinds of food produce ranging from edam cheese to bananas to fish fillets .

  13. 由此得出,鱼排粉蛋白质质量略差于蒸汽鱼粉。

    So , we can get the conclusion is the protein quality of fish by-product meal was worse than Peru steam fish meal .

  14. 加热一个不粘锅至足够热,把调味好的鱼排,鱼皮朝下放入锅中,中大火煎三分钟,盛出。

    Heat a non stick pan over medium high heat until the pan is heated , place salmon steaks on the pan , skin side down , sear for3 minutes , then remove them from the pan .

  15. 但上周早些时候,除了一排排货架的气泡鸡尾酒,以及一台很小的冷冻食品柜里储存着价格昂贵的烤薯片、鱼排和大黄酥皮饼以外,食品大厅里其它商品所剩寥寥。

    But earlier this week , the food hall was dominated by shelf after shelf of sparkling wine cocktails and not much else , besides a small frozen-food refrigerator stocked with pricey oven-bake chips , fish pies and rhubarb crumble .

  16. 如果一条鱼的鱼刺太多了,那么只有食鱼爱好者才会去吃它。但如果你把刺剔除,并把鱼制成鱼丸或鱼排,这样即使是那些对于鱼兴趣一般的人也有可能去吃它。

    If a fish has too many bones , only people who are ardent lovers of fish as food will eat it . But if you remove the bones and make it into fish balls or fish fillets , even those mildly interested may choose it .