
  • 网络practice base;training base
  1. 加强实习基地建设的重要性

    On the Importance of the Reinforcement of the Construction of Practical Training Base

  2. 加强实习基地建设深化实践教学改革

    Enhancing the Construction of training Base and Deepening the Reformation of Practice Teaching

  3. 我们通过不断的教育实践,如MBA实习基地、周末论坛、拓展训练、组织学生参加企业管理经营模拟挑战赛等,提高学生创新能力,形成极具交大特色的MBA教育。

    By the way of laying stress on educational practice , such as MBA practice base , weekend forum , taking part in company simulation competition etc. our MBA students'innovate ability has been promoted , we have developed distinguishing feature MBA education of Beijing Jiaotong University .

  4. 论体育教育实习基地的建设

    Discussion on the Construction of the Physical Education Teaching Practice Base

  5. 普通高校生物系综合性实习基地建设

    Comprehensive Practice Base Construction of Biology Department in Colleges and Universities

  6. 大学生就业实习基地的现状及改进措施

    The Present Situation of University Students'Employment Practice Base and Improvement Measures

  7. 土地资源管理专业校外实习基地建设探索

    Towards Establishing Practicing Bases for the Specialty of Land Resource Management

  8. 议毕业实践环节的改革&兼谈经济类专业建立实习基地问题

    A Discussion on the Reform of the Processes in Graduation Practice

  9. 印刷机械专业实习基地建设探讨

    The establishment of professional practice teaching center of printing mechanical engineering

  10. 建设教育实习基地的理论与实践研究

    Studies On Theory and Practice of Constructing the Base of Educational Practice

  11. 设置伤寒学临床实习基地。

    To set up clinical practice base for Shanghan study .

  12. 加强教学实习基地的规划与建设;

    Strengthening the planning and building of teaching practice bases .

  13. 电子工艺实习基地的建设方向探讨

    Discussion on the Construction Orientation of Electronic Process Practice Base

  14. 创建高校校内通信实习基地的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice on Constructing Communication Practice Base in University

  15. 加强实习基地建设,培养学生专业技能;

    Practice base has been strengthened to improve special skills of students .

  16. 关于综合大学背景下加强师范教育实习基地建设的思考

    On Strengthening the Construction of Educational Practice Base in the Comprehensive University

  17. 建立校内电工实习基地提高学生实践能力

    Building Electrician Practice Base on Campus to Improve Students ' Practical Ability

  18. 嵩山地区野外实习基地建设

    Research on construction of Songshan area open country practice base

  19. 高等职业师范教育实习基地的选择

    The Choice of the Teaching Practice Base of Higher Vocational Teacher Education

  20. 电工实习基地的建设与教学改革

    The Construction and Teaching Reform of Electrical Engineering Practice Base

  21. 建立预防医学实习基地,开展社区预防医学实践活动;

    Establish bases of preventive medicine practice and carry out community practice ;

  22. 环境科学专业实习基地评估体系的构建

    Construction of evaluation system for practice base of environmental science

  23. 计算机应用技术校内实习基地开放探讨

    Study on the opening of inside-school computer application practice bases

  24. 建设校内专业实习基地,培养学生工程实践能力

    Constructing Intramural Professional Practice Base , Cultivating Students ' Engineering Practical Ability

  25. 校企联合信息技术类专业校内生产实习基地建设实践

    On the production practice bases construction of information technology professional in schools-joint-enterprises

  26. 高等工程教育实习基地建设的探索与思考

    Studying the Construction of Practice Bases of Higher Engineering Education

  27. 建立实习基地,加强实践教学;

    Building practice base and strengthening the practice teaching ;

  28. 面向21世纪金工实习基地建设

    Construction on the Metalworking Base Facing the 21st Century

  29. 校外英语实习基地建设之我见

    Construction On the English Practice Bases Outside the School

  30. 创建一流实习基地的探索与思考

    The Research and Thinking Over the Establishment of Top Class Metalworking Practice Base