
  • 网络ON PRACTICE;practicalism;practice theory
  1. 从这个意义上讲,《实践论》和《矛盾论》是中国化的马克思主义哲学体系形成的重要标志。

    In this sense , " On Practice " and " On Contradiction " are the important indicator of the formation of Marxism philosophy system with Chinese characteristics .

  2. 重读《实践论》《矛盾论》的新认识

    New Understandings : Rereading Mao Zedong 's On Practice and On Contradictions

  3. 科学课程的认识内涵及实践论意义

    Epistemological Meaning of Science Curriculum and Its Significance for Educational Practice

  4. 论《实践论》的一分为三认识观

    On the Epistemology " One Divides into Three " of Practice

  5. 现代水文实践论&来自广东水文发展的启示

    Modern hydrological practice : Lessens learned from hydrological development of Guangdong Province

  6. 宗教实践论由保罗·尼特提出。

    Religious practice theory is put forward by Neat Paul .

  7. 《实践论》与中国传统知行观

    On Practice and Chinese Traditional Theory on Knowing and Doing

  8. 他具有鲜明唯物论性质的真知实践论,是其实学思想的理论基础,闪耀着思想的火花。

    He was a clear materialist with bright pragmatic thoughts .

  9. 实践论纷争及其出路&兼论一种实践过程观

    Disputes on Practice and Appropriate Solutions & Including a viewpoint of practical process

  10. 实践论&马克思主义哲学思维方式的几点思考

    On Practice : Some Reflections on the Way of Thinking of Marxist Philosophy

  11. 社会发展理论的实践论转向

    Transformation of Practice Theory of the Social Development Theories

  12. 《实践论》、《矛盾论》对一国两制的哲学导向

    Mao Zedong 's On practice , On Contradiction And Their Philosophical Direction Towards

  13. 简论《实践论》对中国知识分子自由的影响

    On the Influence of Theory of Practice on the Freedom of Chinese Intellectuals

  14. 面向企业的工业工程实践论

    On the Practice of Industrial Engineering in Enterprises

  15. 西方哲学关于理性的实践论理解和界说

    The Practical Concept of Reason in Western Philosophy

  16. 从实践论的观点看科技异化问题

    On Alienation of Science and Technology Viewed from the Point of the Practice Theory

  17. 实践论论认识和实践的关系&知和行的关系

    On practice on the relation between knowledge and practice , between knowing and doing

  18. 论马克思哲学实践论自由观

    On Marx Philosophy Concept of Practice and Freedom

  19. 马克思主义实践论思维方式研究

    On Marxist Mode of Thinking on Practical Theory

  20. 政治伦理实践论是亚里士多德政治伦理思想的重要组成部分。亚里士多德以公民和城邦两个层面的主体为政治伦理实践的实施者;

    The practical theory is an important part of Aristotle 's political ethic thoughts .

  21. 学习运用“实践论”观点,坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发;

    Learn the theory of practice and be practical and realistic all the time .

  22. 从实践论来说,法官思维是一种司法技术。

    From practiced the theory , the ideology of the judges is the judicial technique .

  23. 也论实践论思维方式

    The Discussion of The Practical Thinking Mode

  24. 检索语言创新的实践论&以分类口岸为例

    On the Practice of Information Retrieval Language Innovation & Taking Classification Entry as an Example

  25. 塔里木盆地油气勘探实践论谈

    Petroleum Exploration Practice in the Tarim Basin

  26. 正确舆论导向实践论

    A Practice of Orientating Correct Public Opinions

  27. 实践论的认识

    A Knowledge of the Theory of Practice

  28. 现代哲学物质观可分为实践论物质观、有机论物质观与整体论物质观。

    Contemporary philosophical outlooks on substances fall into practicism , organic theory and doctrine of entirety .

  29. 监督,能否与法治兼容&从法治立场来反思监督制度与当代中国美学中的实践论美学不同,本文是站在生命美学的立场上来从事法之美的建构的。

    The Aesthetics of Law is quite different from the practice aesthetics of Chinese up-to-date aesthetics .

  30. 从工具本体到情本体&一种实践论的审美形而上学生存观

    From instrument noumenon to feeling noumenon & A kind of aesthetic metaphysical survival conception in practice theory