
  1. 运用相关背景资料编制项目实施进度计划表。

    Use the relevant background information to put together a project charter .

  2. 因此在项目的执行阶段必须实施进度的跟踪和控制。

    Therefore schedule tracking and progress control must be executed in the phase of project implementation .

  3. 与客户方内部项目组和员工合作保证项目实施进度和实施质量。

    Coordinate with lower and middle level client staff and internal team to ensure opportune and quality project delivery .

  4. 分析项目设计、谈判、立项阶段的管理工作,完成项目实施进度计划。

    This part analyzes project design , project negotiation , stage management , and makes up the project schedule .

  5. 企业可以通过预算来监控战略目标的实施进度,有助于控制开支,并预测企业的现金流量与利润。

    Companies develop budgets in order to monitor progress toward their goals , help control spending , and predict cash flow and profit .

  6. 分析了实施进度冲突,并提出了一种计算机进度规划方法和冲突识别算法。

    The conflict of project implement schedule was analyzed and the new way of project schedule and its algorithm of conflict detection for computer were proposed .

  7. 参照项目总体评价结果以及结合实地调研所获得的资料,可以发现清水海移民安置工作主要在项目实施进度上存在问题。

    With the overall evaluation results and combine the information obtained by the actual research , the problems of resettlement work can be found mainly in the pace of project implementation .

  8. 笔者通过对该项目建设区的条件、项目建设方案、项目的环保程度、项目的组织管理以及项目的实施进度这五个方面作了重点的讨论和分析,认为项目实施具备基础的条件。

    Through the construction of the project area conditions , building programs , projects , environmental protection , project organization and management , project implementation and progress in five areas analyzed .

  9. 规划内容应当包括发展目标、主要任务、区域布局、重点项目、实施进度、配套电网建设、服务体系和保障措施等。

    The plan shall contain the development targets , major tasks , regional layout , key projects , progress , construction of associated power network , service systems , safeguards , etc.

  10. 进度度量规程定义了实施进度度量的基本过程、主要活动、参与角色及收集和组织数据的机制。重点阐述与进度度量的数据收集相关的活动。

    The progress measurement procedures define the basic process , major activities , relative actors and mechanism of data collection and structure , which is necessary to put measurement construct in practice .

  11. 本文理论联系实际,综合运用多学科知识,首先分析了项目的投资环境,然后分析论证了项目的规模设计、工艺选择、建设方式、实施进度;

    This thesis uses many kinds of theories and knowledges from many different subjects into practice , firstly analyzes the investment environment of this item , then expounds its producing capacity design , technology selection .

  12. 以往的公路景观规划是一种静态规划,其核心思想是:规划就等同于编制规划方案,制定出公路景观建设最终状态的详细方案及详细周密的实施进度安排。

    Previous highway landscape planning is a static planning , and its core idea is planning means compile planning scheme , which means formulating final status construction plan of highway landscape and elaborate implementation schedule .

  13. 在工程建设项目投资管理中,工程投资预测是项目的决策依据和工程造价的控制依据,工程造价预测的准确度直接关系到建筑工程的投资额度和实施进度。

    The forecasting of construction cost is the basis of the decision-making and construction cost control for construction projects , its accuracy often erects the most influences on the investment amounts and progress of construction projects .

  14. 紧接着,从项目实际的决策情况、实施进度、资金来源及运行情况、项目实际情况与预测情况进行了全面的对比,找出实际情况与预测情况出现偏差的地方并进一步探索出现偏差的原因。

    Then through comprehensive comparison including the actual decision-making situation , implementation progress , the sources and operation of fund and so on , to identify where deviation happened and further explore the reason for deviation .

  15. 《中国农村初级卫生保健发展纲要(2001-2010年)》实施进度评估国家级复核指标基本框架中国人口健康基本保障方案的评价&农村初级卫生保健的经验和教训

    Basic framework of indicators for a national re-check on the progress of national PHC guideline ( 2001-2010 ) Evaluation of Security Project of Chinese Population Health : The Experiences and Lessons for Implementation of PHC Project in China Rural

  16. 目前没有一套适用于通信企业的行之有效的项目进度管理的解决方案,介入式进度管理模式作为甲方实施进度管理的工作模式,可为通信企业提供相应的参照。

    There is no set of applicable communication enterprises effective project management solutions , intervention-style management model as the progress of the progress of implementing the management of Party A mode for communications companies to provide the corresponding reference . 3 .

  17. 如此同时,项目造价预算是整个建筑工程造价预算的基本控制根据,而且建筑工程造价预算的准精确度将直接影响到建筑工程项目的投资经费以及项目实施进度安排。

    So , the project cost budget is the basic control of the entire construction project cost budget , and the prospective accuracy of the construction project cost budget will directly affect the construction projects of investment funding and project implementation schedule .

  18. 建立健全预算执行分析制度和支农政策实施进度考评制度,继续推行和完善报账制、公示制、专家评审制等管理方式。

    Establish and improve the implementation of the budget system and the progress of implementation of the policy evaluation system in agriculture , continue to implement and improve the reimbursement system , the publicity system , management system and so on expert review .

  19. 综合查询功能包括:项目分解、招标投标、合同签订、质量安全、工程变更、实施进度、预算审核、工程结算、资金拨付、工程验收、结算审计、产权登记以及交付使用。

    The comprehensive inquires feature include : the project decomposition , tender and bid , contract signing , quality safety and engineering change , implementation process , budget review , engineering settlement , capital fund , project acceptance , settlement audit , property registration , and delivered for use .

  20. 对工程项目实施阶段进度及投资进行PDCA管理

    Schedule and investment management in implementation stage of engineering project based upon PDCA method

  21. 电力建设项目实施阶段进度投资控制研究

    The Study on Power Construction Project with a Perspective of Progressive and Investment Control of Execution Stage

  22. 它的出现,使得企业能够在项目的成本、质量以及实施的进度等方面达到一个合理的平衡点。

    Using the technologies of project management , enterprises can achieve the reasonable balance point in cost , quality and time .

  23. 希望本文研究的成果对于寿险信息系统的项目实施和进度管理工作有一些借鉴的作用。

    I hope the results of this study for the project implementation and schedule management of the life insurance information systems to have some reference role .

  24. 根据实施的进度及评估结果对竞争战略进行合理调整,以保证整个企业目标的完整实现,企业愿景的最大程度的达到。

    Progress of the implementation and evaluation based on the results of competitive strategy to make reasonable adjustments to ensure the full realization of the business goals , business vision to achieve the greatest degree .

  25. 第四部分则是根据项目特点,编制可实施的进度计划,具体包括对项目工作的分解,项目时间的估算,项目各活动间逻辑关系的分析,项目总体计划的编制。

    The fourth part is according to the project characteristics , the establishment of the implementation schedule , the specific work of the project including the decomposition , the project time estimation , each activity project between the logical analysis , project overall planning .

  26. 本文主要研究如何对绵阳电信电子运维实施项目的进度进行管理和控制。

    This paper mainly studies how to Mianyang electronic telecommunications maintenance project management and control .

  27. 本文对驾驶室涂装生产线工程建设方案、财务评价、工程实施与计划进度等进行了可行性研究。

    Applied for In this paper , it is described the project feasibility of constructing , financial value and the project plan .

  28. 分析了软件项目实施过程中进度偏差的识别和分析的方法;

    Researched the recognition and analysis methods of schedule deviation , This paper has analyzed the recognition and analysis methods of the schedule deviation .

  29. 对项目实施有效的进度控制,使其顺利达到按期完成,是任何一个工程项目管理的中心任务。

    The implementation of the project effective progress control , make its achieve smoothly completed on schedule , are any engineering project management center .

  30. 实施项目的进度管理和控制为了保证工程按计划工期完工,并能有效地控制成本,保证工程质量。

    The implementation of the project schedule management and control in order to ensure project completion , and planned period can effectively control the cost , and ensuring the quality of projects .