
shí jì lǚ xínɡ
  • specific performance;actual performance
  1. 论合同的实际履行

    Theories of Selection ; Plurality and Selection On the Actual Performance of Contracts

  2. 论实际履行原则

    The Actual Performance Principle

  3. 尽管作为被78个国家接受的CISG中也有关于实际履行的规定,但同时又存在着相当大的限制。

    Though specific performance is also stipulated in CISG , great limitations also exist .

  4. 补充实际履行的部分适用上述规定的期限。

    Supplementary Specific Performance is also subject to the periods stated above .

  5. 实际履行责任及其法律适用

    Substantial Performance of Legal Liability and Application of Law

  6. 第二,实际履行原则将劳动合同作为一项事实契约。

    Second , the legal principle takes labor contract as an actual contract .

  7. 实际履行制度价值研究

    Research on the Value of Specific Performance

  8. 在计划经济时期,实际履行原则扮演着重要的角色。

    The principle of specific performance played a important role in the era of planned economy .

  9. 合同实际履行的价值重估&兼析对《合同法》第110条的理解

    Revaluation of the Actual Contract Performance

  10. 实际履行制度是世界各国所采用的违约救济方式之一。

    The Specific Performance is one of the default remedies used by many countries in the world .

  11. 在劳动合同的实际履行中,劳动合同变更是一种常见的现象。

    In the actual performance of the labor contract , changes in the contract is a common phenomenon .

  12. 实践:实际履行,尤指艺术.科学或技术领域:与理论遥相对应。

    Praxis : Practice , especially of an art , science , or technical occupation , opposite to theory .

  13. 大陆法系和英美法系曾对实际履行采取了不同的态度和做法。

    Various attitudes and practices were adopt in the system of civil law and the system of common law .

  14. 并且通过对效率违约理论进行批判,进一步明确了实际履行在违约救济制度中的地位。

    And through the criticism of the efficient breach theory , the appropriate role of specific performance is further clarified .

  15. 实际履行作为合同违约的救济措施,在各国的合同法中都有所体现。

    As one of the remedies for breach of contract , specific performance exists in contract laws of many countries .

  16. 在英美法中,实际履行随着衡平法院的发展作为普通法上的损害赔偿的例外而予以适用。

    Specific performance is applied as an exceptional remedy due to the relation between the equity law and the common law .

  17. 美国法违约责任有损害赔偿、实际履行和禁令。

    Liabilities for breach of contract in American law include indemnity of damages for breach of contract , actual performance and injunction .

  18. 实际履行是我国《合同法》第107条规定的重要的违约责任形式之一。

    Specific performance is one of important liabilities for breach of contract provided in article 107 in Ch in ese Contract Law .

  19. 从性质上讲,预约责任不排斥实际履行、损害赔偿、违约金及定金罚则的适用。

    A pre-contract does not exclude in nature the application of real performance , damage compensation and penalty regulation of damages and deposit .

  20. 新合同法实施后,实际履行在合同履行中的价值需要重新定位。

    With the effect of the new contract act , the actual performance needs relocation in the value of carrying out the contract .

  21. 实际履行原则的限制使用和合理预见规则的适用,使效率违约成为可能。

    Owing to the limitation of the specific performance and the rule of reasonable prevision , the efficient breach of contract is inevitably possible .

  22. 实际履行符合契约的价值目的,并与交易道德的要求相适应,体现了社会整体的公平正义。

    Specific performance answers to the value purpose of contract , meets the requirements of transaction morality , and embodies social equity and justice .

  23. 应着重分析当事人的真实意思表示、有无实际履行出资义务等股东资格认定的实质要件。

    Should focus on the analysis of the real meaning , have actual obligation of capital contribution to the essence of such shareholder qualification requirements .

  24. 本文的第四章,基于上述三章的分析,将实际履行与损害赔偿进行了比较,尤其是在经济分析方面。

    Chapter Four , based on the analysis of the foregoing three chapters , aims to make comparison of specific performance and damage , especially economically .

  25. 承担违约责任的方式可概括为实际履行和损害赔偿,二者之间具有可替代性。

    The way to bear liability for breaking a contract can be summarized and compensation for damage and fulfill actually , possessing substitutability between the two .

  26. 其次分别阐述了民事责任的几种承担形式,包括停止侵害、实际履行、损害赔偿、介入权的行使。

    Following are several forms of commitments on civil liabilities , including the cessation of violations , the actual performance , damages , exertion of self-entering right .

  27. 第2章是实际履行的构成论,也是本体论,从构成要件、限制条件、履行维度和具体适用方式等方面,对实际履行制度进行了比较法上的研究。

    Chapter 2 is about the constitutional theory of specific performance . The institution is studied comparatively from the elements , constraints , performance dimension and application .

  28. 这些规定反映了英美法系与大陆法系对于货物销售合同中实际履行地位的不同认识。

    These provisions reflect the divergent perception as to the role of specific performance in contracts for the sale of goods between common law and civil law countries .

  29. 效率违约理论的成立需要损害赔偿与实际履行等价以及违约人知悉被违约人的成本为条件。

    The formation of the theory needs several conditions , which are the equivalence between damages and the implementation and the breacher 's knowing the cost of the breach .

  30. 但是由于历史传统、法系特征以及理论体系等方面的差异,使得各国对于实际履行制度的规定千差万别。

    However , because of historical traditions , legal systems features , as well as the differences between theoretical systems , each country provides different system of specific performance .