
lǚ xínɡ fānɡ shì
  • Fulfillment method;means of performance
  1. 这个页面允许你建立你的定单履行方式。

    This page allows you to set up your fulfillment options .

  2. 行政处罚的履行方式和期限;

    Manner of and time limit for enforcement of administrative penalty ;

  3. 履行方式上与传统合同有所不同。

    The B2C e-contract in the form of performing the contract is different from the traditional one .

  4. 本文进一步研究了抗辩义务的内容、履行方式、法律后果、终止等重要问题。

    This paper further studies the issues on the extent , performance , legal consequence and release of defense duty .

  5. (五)履行方式不明确的,按照有利于实现合同目的的方式履行。

    ( v ) If the method of performance was not clearly prescribed , performance shall be rendered in a manner which is conducive to realizing the purpose of the contract ;

  6. 本文明确了精神赡养的内涵,界定了精神赡养的外延,提出精神赡养的具体内容、履行方式以及权利救济方式。

    This paper puts forward clearly the connotation of the spiritual support , defines the extension of spiritual support , and brings forward the specific details of spiritual support , as well as the rights of relief methods .

  7. 第二部分深入探究缺陷产品召回制度的法律体系,其中对于该制度的对象&缺陷产品的界定及特征、义务主体及召回义务的履行方式、具体内容等详细进行分析。

    The second part of the probe into the legal system of the defective products recall system , the object of the system-the definition and characteristics of defective products , the main obligations and recall obligations , the specific content analyzed .

  8. 另外,新保险法还忽视了对免责条款范围的规定以及对说明和明确说明在履行方式和程度上的区分,使这些有利于保护投保人利益的制度缺乏可操作性。

    In addition , the new insurance law also ignores the provisions on the scope of the disclaimer and the distinction between " account " and " clearly account " in the way of implementation and the extent of implementation , makes the system of protecting the insured lack operability .

  9. 告知义务履行的方式没有特别规定,但是告知义务人对保险人的书面询问以书面以外的其他方式告知的须负举证责任。

    There is no particular fixed rules , but if the written inquiry of disclosing obliger to the insured uses the other way of notification , the disclosure obliger should take the responsibility of putting to the proof .

  10. 从来没有履行任务的方式允许登记客房信息将听到了其他人。

    Never perform registration tasks in ways allowing guest room info to be overheard by others .

  11. 他只会极力表白他要娶她,这就是他履行诺言的方式。

    He had faithfully promised to marry her , and this was the way he fulfilled his promise .

  12. 罗马古代,法律行为均须履行一定的方式,否则不生效力。

    In ancient Rome , legal behavior all should carry certain pattern , otherwise , it is of no efficiency .

  13. 保证是以保证人的一般财产而设定的、用一个合同去担保另一个合同(主债务)的履行之担保方式,有一定的独立性。

    The suretyship is a form of guaranty , in which the performance of a contract ( principal obligation ) is guaranted by entering into a suretyship contract on the surety 's general property .

  14. 对法庭审判语篇人际意义的研究能帮助我们更好地理解参与者在法庭交往这种机构话语中通过语言互动传达的态度以及履行意图的方式。

    Researches on interpersonal meaning in courtroom interaction help us to have better understanding on how natural language is structured , attitudes are exchanged , and intentions are performed through interaction in such institutional discourse .

  15. 一般包括权利和义务、数量和质量、价款和酬金、有效期、履行地点和方式、违约责任等。

    The content usually includes : right and duty , quality and quantity , price and remuneration , period of validity , place , fashion of fulfillment , and responsibility of breach of faith , etc.

  16. 然后分析我国当前政府履行经济职能方式的现状,政府虽然在网络的方面运用取得了一定的进展,但是还存在很多不足。

    Secondly , from the analysis of the present conditions that the government is performing the economical function , we get to know that government has certainly made some progress in using network , but still remained a lot of shortages .

  17. 文章通过对一起典型案例的研究,具体分析了在签订合同的过程中如何订立履行地点与方式条款,并提出在实践中应该注意的几个方面的问题。

    This text focuses on analyzing concretely how to agree on performance place and performance way of contract during making agreement , and puts forward issues which should be paid attention to in the practice by way of studying a typical case .

  18. 另一方面,有很多企业虽然认识到社会责任很重要,但其却常常无所适从,对社会责任的基本内涵缺乏明确的定位,对履行社会责任的方式方法缺乏清醒的理解。

    On the other hand , many enterprises have recognized that social responsibility is important , but often do not know what to do . They lack clear positioning for the basic content of social responsibility and lack clear understanding of the ways and means to fulfill their social responsibility .