
lǚ xíng
  • perform;fulfil;fulfill;implement;carry out;keep to
履行 [lǚ xíng]
  • [perform;fulfill; implement] 实行职责

  • 履行契约

  • 履行职责

履行[lǚ xíng]
  1. 第十二条红十字会履行下列职责:

    Article 12 The Red Cross Society shall perform the following functions and duties :

  2. 第十四条机关、团体、企业、事业单位应当履行下列消防安全职责:

    Article 14 State organs , organizations , enterprises and institutions shall perform the following duties on fire control security :

  3. 他们显然没有履行自己的竞选承诺。

    They have signally failed to keep their election promises .

  4. 政府会履行它的竞选诺言,不增加税收吗?

    Will the government honour its election pledge not to raise taxes ?

  5. 他未能履行职责。

    He had failed in the execution of his duty .

  6. 主管部门未履行自己的法定职责。

    The authority failed to carry out its statutory duties .

  7. 她要是不履行诺言就不光彩了。

    It would have been dishonourable of her not to keep her promise .

  8. 我已履行了我方的协议条件。

    I have kept my end of the bargain .

  9. 她认真负责地履行自己的所有职责。

    She performed all her duties conscientiously .

  10. 他答应在六月底完成这项工作,我相信他会履行诺言。

    He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver .

  11. 危险在于抗命不遵的地方当局将拒绝履行他们的职责。

    The danger is that recalcitrant local authorities will reject their responsibilities

  12. 矿工们愤愤不平地抱怨说政府没有履行诺言。

    Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises

  13. 他们认为他应该继续履行君主的职责。

    They thought that he should resume his kingly duties .

  14. 他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。

    He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges .

  15. 该公司没有履行合同规定的某些义务。

    The company has not fulfilled certain contractual obligations

  16. 选民对总统未履行竞选承诺往往表现出惊人的宽容。

    Voters can be remarkably forgiving of presidents who fail to keep their campaign promises

  17. 新国王在履行职责时看起来举止得体、端庄稳重。

    The new King seemed to be carrying out his duties with grace and due decorum

  18. 这位民主党挑战者将如何履行总统职务还不能明确判断。

    Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn 't quite so obvious .

  19. 工头说他因为没有按时履行合同而被罚款。

    The gaffer said he 'd been fined for not doing the contract on time .

  20. 女性被赋予了所有权力,履行所有公共职责。

    All authority was vested in the woman , who discharged every kind of public duty

  21. 我一丝不苟地履行我的职责。

    I carried out my duties conscientiously

  22. 不履行预订是违法行为,这既适用于餐馆和也适用于顾客。

    It is illegal to dishonour bookings ; that goes for restaurants as well as customers .

  23. 她以父亲为榜样,完成了任务,履行了职责。

    Following the example set by her father , she has fulfilled her role and done her duty

  24. “赋予我的权力,”总统说,“我将尽责履行。”

    ' The powers delegated to me , ' the President said , ' will be exercised with due responsibility . '

  25. 阿什克纳齐先生已通知我们,他将无法履行和交响音乐厅签订的钢琴独奏演出合同。

    Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract with Symphony Hall to perform the piano recital .

  26. 他们指责当地政府没有履行承诺。

    They accused the local government of ratting on its promises .

  27. 事实上,履行这些义务需要更多的财力。

    In fact , greater resources are needed to meet these obligations .

  28. 他们不得不履行条约规定的义务。

    They have to fulfil the obligations imposed on them by the treaties .

  29. 成员国必须履行条约所规定的义务。

    It is necessary for the member states to fulfil their obligations under the treaty .

  30. 记住要履行你的承诺。

    Remember to carry out your promise .