
yě mán
  • barbarous;savage;cruel;uncivilized;uncultivated
野蛮 [yě mán]
  • (1) [uncivilized;savage]∶不文明

  • 野蛮行为

  • (2) [barbarous;cruel]∶蛮横残暴

  • 野蛮的屠杀

野蛮[yě mán]
  1. 在野蛮的北方部族的压力下,罗马帝国败亡了。

    The Roman Empire crumbled away under the pressure from uncivilized northern tribes .

  2. 身体写作:一种野蛮主义的现代性

    Body Writing : An Uncivilized Modernity

  3. 他把这次袭击称为野蛮行径。

    He described the attack as the work of savages .

  4. 这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。

    The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature .

  5. 这是对一个毫无自卫能力的年轻女孩的野蛮袭击。

    This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl .

  6. 这种行为野蛮凶残、令人震惊,简直是不可理喻。

    It 's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension .

  7. 埃迪发现自己被抛入了一个野蛮、暴力的世界。

    Eddy finds himself plunged into a world of brutal violence

  8. 对鲸的野蛮屠杀既不必要也不人道。

    The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman .

  9. 他们那帮孩子野蛮得很,还认为我们太女孩子气。

    They were rough kids , and thought we were sissies

  10. 男人给她的感受是支配一切,野蛮残暴。

    Her experience of men was of domination and brutality .

  11. 我们的数学老师是个坏蛋,一个彻头彻尾的野蛮人。

    Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian

  12. 我们需要与这种对待科学的野蛮态度作斗争。

    We need to fight this barbarian attitude to science .

  13. 有人指责军队中存在着野蛮暴行和盗窃行为。

    Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army .

  14. 罗马帝国被日耳曼的野蛮人推翻了。

    The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians .

  15. 詹森是个危险人物,可能会变得非常野蛮而凶残。

    Jensen is a dangerous man , and can be very brutal and reckless .

  16. 那人野蛮粗俗。

    The man was brutish and coarse .

  17. 他们野蛮残暴。

    They were savage and bloodthirsty .

  18. 这次袭击是在大学校园内发生的一系列针对女性的野蛮性侵犯事件中的一起。

    The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area

  19. 摊主是个野蛮凶狠的大块头,他一把抓住了戴的衣领。

    The owner of the stall , a large , thuggish man , grabbed Dai by the collar .

  20. 我认为任何有动物参与其中并且它们别无选择的运动都是野蛮的、不文明的。

    I think any sport involving animals where the animals do not have a choice is barbaric and uncivilized .

  21. 他说,当务之急就是采取果断行动制止他所称的“这些野蛮罪行”。

    What was needed , he said , was decisive action to halt what he called these savage crimes .

  22. 那里发生的野蛮内战可能预示这一地区其他地方将会发生什么。

    The savage civil war there could be a portent of what 's to come in the rest of the region

  23. 彼得大帝及其随从1698年踏足英格兰时的野蛮行为震惊了伦敦。

    Peter the Great shocked London by his wild behaviour and that of his entourage when he visited England in 1698

  24. 对手无寸铁的妇女和儿童进行的野蛮攻击遭到了强烈谴责。

    The brutal attack on defenseless children and women was strongly criticized .

  25. 传教士们打算去教化非洲的野蛮部落。

    The missionaries intended to civilize the wild tribes of africa .

  26. 学校教育将有助于使那里的野蛮部落逐步开化。

    Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there .

  27. 她喝醉时很野蛮。

    When she 's drunk , she 's a beast .

  28. 他们教化那些野蛮人。

    They civilized the savages .

  29. 最野蛮的喊叫声来自那些学童

    The most savage yells of all came from the schoolchildren .

  30. 例句:他像一头野蛮的公牛一样大步走进会场。

    He marched into the meeting like a bull in a china shop .