
  • 网络wildlife resources;wild animal resource
  1. 经过近10a的调查研究,基本查清了浑河源地区野生动物资源的种类构成。

    Species compositions of wild animal resource in headstream areas of Hunhe River were investigated completely through nearly 10a investigation .

  2. 本文探讨了在VB可视化环境下应用面向对象程序设计方法、事件驱动编程机制,开发陕西省陆生野生动物资源调查管理信息系统本系统的基本思想和技术路线。

    This paper discussed the basic thought and technology route of applying object-oriented program design method , event-run mechanism , and develope management information system of wild animal resource by Microsoft Visual Basic language .

  3. 浑河源地区野生动物资源调查研究

    Survey on wild animal resource in headstream regions of Hunhe River

  4. 野生动物资源的刑法保护及立法完善

    Protection of Criminal Law on Wild Animal Resources and Legislative Perfection

  5. 盐城滩涂野生动物资源丰富。

    The resources of wild animals are plentiful in Yancheng seashore .

  6. 陕西省陆生野生动物资源调查管理信息系统的研究

    A Study on Management Information System of Wild Animal Resource in Shaanxi

  7. 我国野生动物资源所有权体系多元化的构建

    The Establishment of the Multiform Ownership on Wildlife in China

  8. 略论野生动物资源的保护与开发利用

    A Discussion on the Protection and Exploitation and Utilization of Wildlife Resources

  9. 野生动物资源是自然界中最活跃、最引人注目的部分。

    The resource of wildlife is an active and appealing component in ecosystems .

  10. 论野生动物资源的价值、利用与法制管理

    Value , utilization and legal management of wildlife resource

  11. 皇甫山自然保护区野生动物资源保护状况调查

    Wild Animal Distribution in Huangpu Mountain Nature Preserve Zone

  12. 地形图在野生动物资源调查中的应用

    Application of topographic map to investigation for wildlife resources

  13. 野生动物资源保护管理的价值观

    View of Value of Wildlife Resource Conservation and Management

  14. 第二章集中阐述了作为野生动物资源保护主要理论基础的环境伦理、自然公平主义和可持续发展理论。

    The second chapter concentrates on the main rationale of wild animal conservation .

  15. 同时他们正在采取强有力的措施保护野生动物资源。

    At the same time they are taking strong measures to protect wildlife resources .

  16. 论野生动物资源与《野生动物保护法》

    On the Discussion of Wild Animal Resources and 《 Wild Animal Protection Law 》

  17. 我国野生动物资源产权交易市场体系研究

    The Research on the Market System of Wildlife Resource Property Rights Trade in China

  18. 野生动物资源是中医药业的主要物质基础之一。

    Wildlife resource was one of the main physical bases on Chinese medicinal industry .

  19. 丰都县陆生野生动物资源调查初报

    A Preliminary Report on the Investigation of Terrestrial Wildlife Resources in the Fengdu County

  20. 海南野生动物资源与保护对策

    Wild animal resources in Hainan and their protection

  21. 安徽野生动物资源及其开发利用与保护

    The Wild Animal Resources in Anhui Province and Its Development , Utilization and Protection

  22. 长青保护区野生动物资源监测

    Monitoring on the wildlife in Changqing Nature Reserve

  23. 野生动物资源经济价值评价探讨

    Evaluation on Economical Value of Wildlife Resources

  24. 海南岛是中国第二大岛,岛内野生动物资源独特而丰富,孕育着丰富的翼手类动物资源,是中国翼手类种类密度最高的地区之一。

    Hainan is the second biggest island of China with the abundant unique wildlife resources .

  25. 浙江省的野生动物资源

    Wildlife in Zhejiang Province , China RESOURCE

  26. 野生动物资源的保护与持续利用

    Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resource

  27. 野生动物资源管理信息系统

    Management Information System of Wildlife Resource

  28. 陕西省野生动物资源保护与可持续发展

    Wildlife Resources Protection and Sustained Development

  29. 中俄两国刑法关于破坏野生动物资源的犯罪之比较

    A Comparative Study of the Crimes of Damaging Wildlife Resources Between Chinese Criminal Law and Russian

  30. 恩施州野生动物资源现状及保护对策研究

    A study on the present situation of resource and the preservation of the wild animals in Enshi