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  • 网络Wild Species;wild vegetation
  1. “我们所有的农作物最初都是用野生物种培育的&这就是农业的起源,”设在罗马的全球农作物多样性基金会执行主任CaryFowler说。该基金会正在领导着该项目。

    " All our crops were originally developed from wild species & that 's how farming began ," said Cary Fowler , executive director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust , in Rome , which is leading the project .

  2. 但是科学家担心许多有用的野生物种可能消失。

    But researchers fear many useful wild species could disappear .

  3. 这份报告研究了生活在世界各地森林、草原、河流及海洋中的数千种野生物种。

    The report looked at thousands of different wildlife species living in forests , grasslands1 , rivers , and oceans , across the world .

  4. 据悉,这种名为睡鼠的哺乳动物是最稀有野生物种之一。

    The mammals are some of the rarest in the wild .

  5. 我们挽救了濒危野生物种并恢复了脆弱的生态系统。

    We 've recovered endangered wildlife species and restored vulnerable ecosystems .

  6. 中国农区野生物种资源的历史与现状

    Situation of Wild Species in Agricultural Regions in China

  7. 对于这两种濒危的野生物种而言,这都是一场可怕的悲剧。

    ' It 's a terrible tragedy as both these breeds are endangered in the wild . '

  8. 农药会削弱野生物种的

    that pesticides were devastating wildlife

  9. 它们现在已被列入世界最濒危野生物种的名单,濒临灭绝。

    They are now listed among the world 's most endangered wildlife species and are close to being extinct .

  10. 但更重要的是对农田造成破坏、造成各种污染,野生物种面临灭绝。

    But more importantly , damage to farmland , causing all kinds of pollution , wildlife species face extinction .

  11. 西格尼岛位于南极半岛附近,是一片富有野生物种栖息地的冰川大陆。

    Signy Island , off the Antarctic Peninsula , is one of the richest wildlife habitats on the frozen continent .

  12. 自2008年启动实施以来,该倡议让各国负责拯救这一深受大众喜爱的野生物种。

    Since its launch in2008 , it had put countries in charge of rescuing the iconic species in the wild .

  13. 它们也可以通过间接竞争而不是吃掉或减少食物供应来伤害其他野生物种。

    They can also harm other wild species through indirect competition rather than eating them or shrinking their food supply .

  14. 无脊椎动物保护主义协会的主要负责人马特?沙德洛说,英国野生物种正处在危机中。

    Matt Shardlow , chief executive of Buglife , the Invertebrate Conservation Trust , said : 'British wildlife is in crisis .

  15. 这种可以挽救被感染蝙蝠的新式治疗方法为这些野生物种及其同族的生存提供了一线希望。

    A new treatment has saved the lives of infected bats . And it offers a ray of hope for their wild kin .

  16. 这条河沿着田纳西州边境蜿蜒曲折,丰富的野生物种和未被损坏的美景已经成为过去

    Flowing back and forth across the state line , the River 's abundant wildlife and unspoiled beauty is a remnant of the past

  17. 英国的一项报告表明该国大多数濒临灭绝的野生物种从红松鼠到当地小龙虾正在以惊人的速度消失。

    Some of Britain 's most endangered wildlife-from red squirrels to native crayfish-are vanishing from the countryside at an alarming rate , a report warns .

  18. 政府控制巴西野生物种研究的严格法规已经让一些科学家把他们的研究项目迁往相邻的玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔和秘鲁。

    The government 's strict rules controlling research on Brazil 's wild species have forced some scientists to move their projects to neighbouring Bolivia , Ecuador and Peru .

  19. 该项目将致力于保存农作物的遗传历史,希望把有益的野生物种的性状引入到植物育种项目中,从而帮助更好地抵御气候变化的影响。

    The project will aim to conserve crops'genetic history in the hope of introducing beneficial wild traits into plant breeding programmes to help crops better withstand the impacts of climate change .

  20. 迅速的全球变化很可能对野生物种产生巨大影响,同时伴随着城市化、农垦和造林实践所引起的自然生境的丧失和破坏。

    The rapid global changes are likely to have a large impact on wild species as they combine with loss and damage of natural habitats caused by urbanization , agricultural and silvicultural practices .

  21. 本文分析了非洲野生物种资源保护策略由失败到成功的经验,认为发展与保护的矛盾实际上正源于二者之间的联系,进而提出一种与经济发展紧密结合的可持续的保护机制。

    The author analysed the cause of success and failure of the example of wildlife management in Africa then pub forward a sustainable protection mechanism , which is connected tightly with the economy development .

  22. 城市湿地不仅具有维持区域水文生态平衡,保护生物多样性的功能,提供野生物种的栖息地及娱乐、教育和美学欣赏场所。

    The urban wetland not only has maintains the region hydrology ecological equilibrium , protects the biodiversity functions , provides the wild species the habitat and the entertainment , the education and esthetics appreciates the place .

  23. 观测和预测的气候变化对野生物种的影响着眼于4个方面:生活史的时间、物种分布与种群格局、迁移对策以及重要地点。

    The observed and predicted effects of climate change on wild species were looked at in four ways : timing of life cycles , distributions of species and population patterns , migration strategies , and important sites .

  24. 达尔文认为,试图保护野生物种免于灭绝的努力是徒劳的,他写道:我们忽视了有机体之间的相互关系&相信这一点很有必要,正如我们很难去相信一样。

    Darwin suggested it was futile to attempt to protect a wild species from destruction , writing : Our ignorance on the mutual relations of organic beings [ is ] a conviction as necessary as it is difficult to acquire .

  25. 海豚研究中心的项目合作者凯利·贾科拉(KellyJaakkola)表示,“这种情况可能并不像人们想象的那样罕见,在很多野生动物物种中,都有雌性夺走他人幼子的情况发生。”

    It may not be as rare as one might think , says co-author Kelly Jaakkola of the Dolphin Research Center . " A femaletaking another 's infant has been seen in many wild animal species . "

  26. 它希望在NT2流域保护区内,野生动物物种能在不断改善的环境中休养生息。

    The hope is that , as a result , wildlife species in the NT2 Watershed will have an increasingly better environment in which to thrive .

  27. 中国主要野生毛皮物种识别检索表

    A Key for Species Identification of Staple Fur Animals in China

  28. 东北虎是世界上最濒危的野生动物物种之一。

    Amur tiger is one of the most endangered species in the world .

  29. 这些真菌-白鼻症的罪魁祸首已经危及了整个野生蝙蝠物种的生存,致使其濒临灭绝边缘。

    The fungus responsible for white-nose syndrome has already threatened some of their populations with extinction .

  30. 湖北珍稀濒危野生植物物种多样性就地保护之评议

    Evaluation and Proposal to In-situ Conservation of Species Diversity of the Precious , Rare and Endangered Wild Plants in Hubei