
jīng yóu
  • whale oil;blubber
鲸油[jīng yóu]
  1. 不久之前,鲸油还在市场上独占鳌头

    Until recently , whale oil cornered the market .

  2. 它是鲸油的一种便宜的替代品,而鲸油正变得越来越难以获得。

    It was a cheap substitute for whale oil , which was becoming harder to get .

  3. 过去人们常常为了鲸肉和鲸油杀害蓝鲸。

    Now nobody is allowed to kill the blue whales .

  4. 一种用樟脑、鲸油、蓖麻油和蜡混合而成的蜡膏。

    A cerate made of camphor and wax and spermaceti and castor oil .

  5. 捕鲸及提炼鲸油业猎获、杀死及加工鲸鱼的行当

    " The business or practice of hunting , killing , and processing whales . "

  6. 人们捕鲸是为了获得宝贵的鲸油、鲸肉和鲸骨。

    Men went whaling to get the valuable oil , meat , and bones of whale .

  7. 脑袋中有一个含鲸油及鲸蜡的大空腔的大型鲸;也是龙涎香的来源。

    Large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil ; also a source of ambergris .

  8. 大型水生须鲸;由于其鲸须和鲸油的价值高而被称为好鲸。

    Large arctic whalebone whale ; allegedly the ` right ' whale to hunt because of its valuable whalebone and oil .

  9. 煤油被用来点灯。它是鲸油的一种便宜的替代品,而鲸油正变得越来越难以获得。

    Kerosene was used to light lamps.It was a cheap substitute for whale oil , which was becoming harder to get .

  10. 当然不能用橄榄油,植物性的发油,蓖麻油,也不能用熊油,更不能用普通鲸油和鳘鱼肝油喽。

    Certainly it cannot be olive oil , nor macassar oil , nor castor oil , nor bear 's oil , nor train oil , nor cod-liver oil .

  11. 死鲸引来大量好奇民众围观。老老少少都爬上流满鲸油的岩石,勇敢地向前探著头,注视著这具巨大的畜体。

    The whale has drawn huge crowds of curious onlookers , with young and old climbing over rocks slickened by rotting whale fat and braving a powerful stench to gawk at the giant carcass .

  12. 在剧本《鲸油》中,肯尼船长执意要等到冰层融化,获得足够多的鲸油之后,才肯打道回府,因为在他三十多年的捕鲸历史中,他是他们家乡最成功的捕鲸手。

    In Ile , Captain Kenny persists stubbornly in staying on until the ice melts and they get sufficient whale oil , just because he has been acclaimed as the most successful whaler for thirty years in his whaling career .