
  • 网络cetacean;Wholphin;Cetacea
  1. 综述近年来中国鲸豚类的保护遗传学研究进展。

    Some advances in the studies of cetaceans in Chinese waters were reviewed .

  2. 台湾海峡南部及闽南沿岸的鲸豚记录

    Records of Cetaceans in the Southern Taiwan Straits and along the Coast of Southern Fujian Province

  3. 因此,这只目前还没有名字的小鲸豚拥有四分之一的伪虎鲸血统和四分之三的大西洋宽吻海豚血统。

    The young as-yet unnamed wholphin is one-fourth false killer whale and three-fourths Atlantic bottlenose dolphin .

  4. 但是最初的鲸豚脖子以下究竟长什麽样儿,仍然是个谜。

    Still , what the earliest whales looked like from the neck down was a mystery .

  5. 直到最近,鲸豚类的起源仍是个令演化生物学家棘手的问题。

    Until recently , the emergence of whales was one of the most intractable mysteries facing evolutionary biologists .

  6. 本文报道了1979年3月31日在江苏省东台县港搁浅的一头鲸,并根据以往捕获记录论述了鲸在中国近海的分布。台湾海峡南部及闽南沿岸的鲸豚记录

    On March 31,1979 a male sei whale was found stranded on Records of Cetaceans in the Southern Taiwan Straits and along the Coast of Southern Fujian Province

  7. 世界鲸豚保护学会日前指出,日本已将以科研名义捕杀的大量鲸鱼肉制作成狗食出售。

    Japan 's stock of whale meat from hunting for scientific research is so large that the country has begun selling it as dog food , a leading marine conservation organisation said on Friday .

  8. 他们的结果证明,在现生哺乳类中,鲸豚与偶蹄类最亲近;骆驼、河马、猪及牛羊等反刍动物都属于偶蹄类。

    Their results showed convincingly that among living animals , whales are most closely related to the even-toed hoofed mammals , or artiodactyls , a group whose members include camels , hippopotamuses , pigs and ruminants such as cows .