
  • 网络department;Work Department;Working Department
  1. 你想换一个工作部门吗?

    Would you like a transfer to another department ?

  2. 确定保密期限的具体办法由国家保密工作部门规定。

    Specific measures for determining the periods shall be formulated by the state secret-guarding department .

  3. 此类COE拥有更多的资助和权力,并配备为具有专用资源的全职工作部门。

    This type of COE has more funding and powers and is staffed as a full-time operation with dedicated resources .

  4. 她工作部门的朋友到医院来看望她。

    Her friend from work come to see her in hospital .

  5. 他偷工作部门的钱已多年。

    He 's had his fingers in the till for years .

  6. 实际工作部门对现行户籍管理制度进行了局部的调整和修改。

    Practical departments have made partial adjustment or improvement on the system .

  7. 吉林省政府工作部门绩效评估指标体系的改进与完善

    The Improvement and Perfection of Jilin Provincial Government departments Performance Evaluation Index System

  8. 从自己的工作部门偷钱。

    Steal money from one 's place of work .

  9. 保健部门和社会工作部门之间更为密切的联系。

    Better liaison between the health and social services .

  10. 每个学院由一个坐标系系主任谁的工作部门。

    Each Faculty is run by a Dean who coordinates the work of Departments .

  11. 它也是各级地震工作部门的主要任务之一。

    It is also one of the main tasks of earthquake research departments at all levels .

  12. 消委会由总干事担任首长,设有八个工作部门,共有职员128人。

    The office is headed by a chief executive with eight functional divisions and a staff of128 .

  13. 因而,高等学校办公自动化系统越来越受到高等院校学生工作部门的青睐。

    Therefore , in higher schools student work departments have laid much more emphasis on office automation system .

  14. 自治机关所属工作部门的干部中,同样合理配备实行区域自治的民族和其他少数民族的人员。

    The functionaries of the working departments subsidiary to the organs of self-government are composed in a similar fashion .

  15. 专利权受到侵犯时,可以委托本所向人民法院起诉侵权者,或向管理专利工作部门请求处理侵权者。

    When patent right is infringed , you can consign our office to proceed against tortious person to court .

  16. 西部大开发成为目前理论界和实际工作部门讨论的一个热门话题。

    The West Development has become one popular topic discussed by present theoretical circle and departments of practical affairs .

  17. 在日常工作部门天王星是要找到工作推向符合您的个性你的核心。

    Uranus in the daily work sector is going to push you towards finding work that matches your core personality .

  18. 作者工作部门的正常工作量下注入电流每月约下降(0.1~0.2)A。

    Approximately , the actual injection current became ( 0.1 ~ 0.2 ) A smaller every month for our normal workload .

  19. 如何从根本上遏制上市公司虚假信息披露,无论是对政府还是对金融实际工作部门,都是极具现实意义和理论价值的重要课题。

    How to overcome this problem radically is an important issue with practical and theoretical value to both government and financial departments .

  20. 在衰落和被淘汰的部门就业的劳动者,随着国民经济结构的变化,需要另谋职业,转移工作部门。

    With the national economic structure changing constantly , those working in languishing or failed industries need to find new jobs elsewhere .

  21. 集装箱空箱调运的研究一直是理论界和实际工作部门重视的课题。

    The study or research of collection and allocation of empty containers was always greatly thought much by theory circles and practice organizations .

  22. 在我们的国外工作部门我们提供既可以是永久性的(移民)和临时就业,我们的服务包括在这个部门。

    In our working abroad department we provide both permanent ( immigration ) and temporary employment , our services in this department includes .

  23. 发展网上择业,是学校、毕业生、用人单位三方的发展所在,为此高校毕业生的就业工作部门要发展适合自身条件的信息网络。

    The department of graduate affair must set up an information network which adapting to itself to help the graduate to find a job .

  24. 农业高校及其学生工作部门和政工干部要进一步发挥网络的教育和服务功能。

    Agricultural colleges , offices with student 's work and political cadres should give further play to the function of education and service of the network .

  25. 本规定所称统计部门,系指中国人民银行和各金融机构内部从事金融统计业务的工作部门。

    Other behaviors that are identified by regional branches , operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People 's Bank of China .

  26. 《行政程序法(试拟稿)》是行政立法研究组为立法工作部门提供的参考草案,已为14稿。

    The Administrative Procedure Act ( Draft ), the fourteenth edition , is a reference draft provided by the research group of administrative legislation for the legislative department .

  27. 研究和分析我国档案保护技术的发展特点与趋势,是我国从事档案和资料管理工作部门诸同志肩负的历史使命。

    Research and analysis of the characteristics and tendency of the development of our file protection technique is a historical task of file and material workers in China .

  28. 首先依据有关政府工作部门的规定提出指标体系构建原则及指导方针。

    First , of course , is reference to the relevant provisions of governmental organizations and departments , limit the number of index system on the principles and guidelines .

  29. 即使你属于某个工作部门,有着具体工作职责,你仍然要与其他同事团结一致去实现这些总体目标。

    Even though you have a specific job function and you belong to a specific department , you are unified with other organization members to accomplish the overall objectives .

  30. 近年来,围绕对我国企业所得税制深化改革的问题,税收理论界及实际工作部门的同志们提出许多有创建性的意见。

    In recent years , the tax theoretical circle and tax practical sector have put forward many innovative suggestions about the further reform of China 's business income tax system .