
jū zhù
  • live;reside;dwell;habitancy;occupy;abides;shack
居住 [jū zhù]
  • [live] 较长时期住在某个地方或较长期地住在一起

  • 他们居住的房子

居住[jū zhù]
  1. 这个地方不适合你居住。

    This is not a fit place for you to live .

  2. 就居住环境而论,牛津市是个难得的好地方。

    As a place to live , Oxford takes some beating .

  3. 居住五年后可申请公民资格。

    You can apply for citizenship after five years ' residency .

  4. 目前只有半数的房间有人居住。

    Only half of the rooms are occupied at the moment .

  5. 这房间里有一种一直有人居住的温馨感觉。

    The room had a comfortable , lived-in feel about it .

  6. 这些公寓供单身者独自居住最为理想。

    The apartments are ideal for single people living alone .

  7. 早在有历史记载之前很久这个地区就有人居住了。

    The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history .

  8. 这个城市工人居住的老城区正在进行改造,以供较高阶层人士居住。

    Old working-class areas of the city are being gentrified .

  9. 他又一次不得不重新适应单独居住。

    Once again he had to readjust to living alone .

  10. 她居住在约克郡乡间一个僻静的地方。

    She lives in a quiet corner of rural Yorkshire .

  11. 居住在市中心贫民区的孩子在教育方面可能处于不利的地位。

    Children living in inner-city areas may be educationally disadvantaged .

  12. 自从1990年以来,他差不多一直在法国居住和工作。

    He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990 .

  13. 你在这个国家居住多久啦?

    How long have you been living in this country ?

  14. 居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。

    The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction .

  15. 这些楼房多数不适合居住。

    Most of the buildings are unfit to live in .

  16. 这个国家不给他们居住资格。

    They have been denied residence in this country .

  17. 他们居住在一个社会秩序混乱的城区。

    They live in a rough part of town .

  18. 她获准在英国永久居住。

    She has been granted permanent residency in Britain .

  19. 这些房屋有许多被宣布为不适宜居住。

    Many of the houses were condemned as unfit .

  20. 这些改动应该使我们有更大的居住面积。

    The alterations should give us extra floor space .

  21. 他们四处寻找有人居住的迹象。

    They looked around for any signs of habitation .

  22. 这种住房不适合居住。

    The housing was unfit for human habitation .

  23. 囚犯的居住条件极为恶劣。

    The prisoners were living in appalling conditions .

  24. 你若在本地区居住,就有权领取停车许可证。

    If you live in the area , you qualify for a parking permit .

  25. 她因多年居住在英国,美国口音已荡然无存。

    Years of living in England had eliminated all trace of her American accent .

  26. 他在国外居住多年以后,于1939年回到了英国。

    He returned to Britain in 1939 , having resided abroad for many years .

  27. 按照释义,“邻居”就要居住在邻近的地方。

    Neighbours by definition live close by .

  28. 我曾经在伦敦居住过。

    I used to live in London .

  29. 我有很多时间在英国度过,但主要还是居住在巴黎。

    I spend a lot of time in Britain but Paris is still my base .

  30. 她在世的最后几年,一个人居住在空空荡荡的老宅子里。

    She spent the last few years alone , rattling around the old family home .