
hóng lǐng jīn
  • red scarf;Young Pioneer
红领巾 [hóng lǐng jīn]
  • (1) [red scarf]∶红色的领巾,代表红旗的一角,少年先锋队员的标志

  • (2) [Young Pioneer]∶少年先锋队员

红领巾[hóng lǐng jīn]
  1. 最近,基金会发起了另一项叫做"全国红领巾日"的运动,在这一天,人们捐献20美元,戴红围巾来支持加拿大的运动和帮助无家可归的人。

    More recently , the foundation began another campaign called National Red Scarf Day — a day when people donate $ 20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada ` s campaign and homeless .

  2. 那就是先从佩戴好红领巾开始。

    That is good to wear red scarf from the beginning .

  3. 在HSK词表大纲中,有一类像熊猫雪花人参地球红领巾骨肉等通过修辞手法构词的词语。对于这类词语的研究,学术界已经发表了不少的文章。

    In the outline of HSK Vocabulary , there is a kind of words like Panda , snow , ginseng , earth , red scarf and so an , they are made up of rhetoric word-formation . academic interests have published many articles with regard to the issue .

  4. 努力学习和工作,我们热爱红领巾。

    Study hard , work hard , we love our tie .

  5. 红领巾创业启蒙教育的探索

    An Exploration of ⅲ uminative Education on Red Scarf Undertaking

  6. 同学们,红领巾是国旗的一角。

    Students , and red scarf is a flag of the iceberg .

  7. 我们的红领巾双语广播开始播音了。

    Our Chinese and English " Red scarf " broadcast will begin .

  8. 我们就是我们,红领巾在胸前燃烧。

    We are us , the burning red scarf in his chest .

  9. 对《红领巾》教学的重新认识

    A reevaluation of " Red Scarf " teaching approach

  10. 学生们在红领巾农场积极地劳动。

    Students are working on the red scarf farm .

  11. 志愿者们在学习系红领巾。

    Volunteers learned how to wear the red scarf .

  12. 红领巾,他是乐曲的音符;

    Red scarf , he was musical notes ;

  13. 红领巾,他是童年的回忆;

    Red scarf , he was childhood memories ;

  14. 男孩,把红领巾戴上。

    Boys , put on your scarfs .

  15. 2000阳光下的步履&北京红领巾公园公共艺术研讨会

    Walking Under the Sunshine of 2000 & Forum on the Public Art of Young Pioneer Park

  16. 演讲台两边,坐着家长代表,教师代表和红领巾代表。

    On either side of the rostrum sat representatives of parents , teachers and Red Scarves .

  17. 今年,我也为一年级的小朋友带上了鲜艳的红领巾。

    This year , I have the children for a year to bring a bright red scarf .

  18. 我们都知道红领巾是红旗的一角,是用烈士的鲜血染成的。

    We all know that red scarf is a red flag of the iceberg , is into martyrs .

  19. 下面,有请少先队员为我们的嘉宾赠上红领巾!

    Next , let 's invite the young pioneers to give a red scarf to each of the guests !

  20. (一)1997年10月8日红领巾实验农场与广东少年军校揭幕。牛仔和童子军围头巾。

    The open ceremony of the Red Scarf Farm hold on 8th October 1997 . Cowboys and Boy Scouts wear handkerchiefs .

  21. 红领巾是我们的标志,它来自我们五星红旗的一角,因为,你们是我们祖国的未来。

    Red scarf is a symbol , it came from a corner of our flag , because you are our country 's future .

  22. 少年儿童积极开展红领巾助残活动;青年积极开展志愿者助残行动。

    Children actively take part in Young Pioneers Helping the Disabled activities while young people enthusiastically participate in Volunteers Helping the Disabled activities .

  23. 学生自觉地遵守纪律,可以经常看到红领巾拿着喇叭,维持交通秩序。

    Students and pupils willingly observed discipline . Young Pioneers wearing red scarves could frequently be seen holding megaphones and helping to direct traffic .

  24. 在中国,一个小学已经被禁止对行为不好或成绩不好的学生戴替代红领巾的绿领巾。

    A primary school in China has been ordered to stop forcing underachieving or badly behaved pupils to wear green scarves instead of communist red .

  25. 广州市东风西路小学优秀少先队辅导员陶毅敏和学生一起举办红领巾街活动。

    Tao yimin , excellent young pioneer director from Guangzhou Dongfeng Xi Road Primary school , is having the activity called red scarf street with the pupils .

  26. 记得我小的时候,每天都把红领巾洗得干干净净,叠的整整齐齐的,睡觉前放在枕头下面,怕领巾折皱不好看了。

    I remember when I was small , red scarf all washed clean every day , the neat stack and on the pillow before going to bed , for fear of a bad crease scarf .

  27. 上学后,他表达对火车喜爱之情的文章《玩的是火车》,在《红领巾》杂志上获得了发表。

    After go to school , his expression is to the article of feeling of train fancy 《 what to play be a train 》, at 《 red scarf 》 magazine top acquired to announce .

  28. 全国1000多万少年儿童参加的红领巾助残活动已历时五年。(一)1997年10月8日红领巾实验农场与广东少年军校揭幕。

    The " Young Pioneers ' Helping-the-Handicapped Activities " involving more than 10 million children have been going on for the past five years . The open ceremony of the Red Scarf Farm hold on 8th October 1997 .

  29. 之后,我马上将丢在黯淡灯光下的红领巾,虽然她身上千万条褶皱,满是伤痕,但是我觉得他从此变得充满生命力了;

    After that , I soon will be lost in the dim lighting of the red scarf , while her10 million fold , full of scars , but I think he has become full of vitality from a ;

  30. 以前,我已厌倦了戴红领巾的日子,虽然在这个暑假我再也没有碰过那条褶皱红领巾,我们对革命战士的抱歉是永远还不清的。

    Previously , I have tired of the day wearing a red scarf , though I have never come across this summer Natiao fold red scarf , and we apologize for the revolutionary soldier is always less than the Qing .