
hónɡ zhuān
  • red brick
  1. 夕阳为古老的红砖墙罩上了一层暖暖的炫目光辉。

    The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow .

  2. 你可以给那个正面为红砖的雄伟建筑照张相。

    You can take a photo of the impressive building with a red brick facade .

  3. 他偶然发现了这座红砖砌成的森然高耸的医院。

    He came upon the hulking redbrick hospital .

  4. 我们的房子是用红砖盖的。

    Our house is made of red brick ( s ) .

  5. 那边的红砖楼是市医院。

    The red brick building over there is the city hospital .

  6. 我们在金城(Kincheng,见右图)里转,这座宁静小镇是金门的主要集镇,我们沿着模范街(MofanStreet)转,两边是上世纪20年代、拱形大门的日本式红砖洋房。

    We walked around Kincheng , Kinmen 's sleepy little main town , along Mofan Street , flanked by 1920s red-brick buildings with arched front doors in the Japanese style .

  7. 新型红砖GRC复合板幕墙设计介绍

    Introduction to the design on a new type of curtain wall of red brick-GRC composite panels

  8. 学校的红砖都铎式大楼及其八角形配楼,看起来好像出自伊尼德布莱顿(EnidBlyton)的小说。

    The red-brick Tudor mansion , with its octagonal wing turrets , looks like something out of an Enid Blyton novel .

  9. 第七十六街位于阿姆斯特丹和哥伦布之间,沿着街往西走,左手边的第三栋楼房,是一间破旧的红砖屋,Constance以前很看不起的这个街区。

    Seventy-sixth Street between Amsterdam and Columbus , the third building along on the left , heading west : a shabby red-brick , in a neighborhood Constance despised . I used to live there ;

  10. 他开始时租住在山上的一所大红砖房子里,房东名叫让-巴蒂斯特·丹尼斯(Jean-BaptisteDenis)。

    He had started out in a large home up the hill from the local mine , in a red brick house he rented from a landlord named Jean-Baptiste Denis .

  11. Coketown曾是一座红砖城,或者可以这样说,如果没有了烟熏和灰尘的话,它应该是一座红砖城。

    Coketown was a town of red brick , or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and the ashes had allowed it ;

  12. 结果广东省废渣建材(含渣水泥、渣砖)ECRa略高于传统建材(含水泥、红砖)。除少数建材外,其余建材的内、外照射指数基本相近,MRa和Mγ均小于10。

    Results The EC Ra of waste residue building materials ( cement , brick ) of Guangdong was shown to be higher than that of traditional building materials ( M Ra < 1 0 , Mr < 1 0 ) .

  13. 印度国会本周将审议一项允许外国合作者协助重建这座佛学中心的法案。相关计划是在原大学的红砖建筑遗址附近重建,距离比哈尔邦首府巴特那(Patna)55英里。

    India 's parliament will this week consider legislation allowing foreign partners to help recreate the ancient Buddhist centre of learning close to the red-brick ruins of the original university , 55 miles from Patna , Bihar 's capital .

  14. Pachacútec烹饪学校隶属于一所职业学院,建在一座薄雾笼罩的荒山顶上,设在一栋偏远且毫无特色的红砖楼里。过去6年,这所学校每年培养出约100名厨师。

    Located in an isolated and nondescript red-brick building atop a misty and deserted hill , the cookery school – which is part of a broader vocational institution – has been training some 100 chefs a year for the past six years .

  15. 学校是一座装着大窗户了红砖房子。

    The school was a red brick house with big windows .

  16. 除了难看的红砖建筑以外,从窗户还能看到点别的东西。

    a view of something other than a hideous red-brick building .

  17. 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止。

    Keep on going till you come to a red brick building .

  18. 例如当所有东西都是红砖建的时候,

    like when everything is made out of red bricks ,

  19. 主要材料是红砖,并配以精美的艺术装修。

    It was built of red brick and had fine art-deco decoration .

  20. 一色清水红砖,墙角装饰花纹凸现。

    Isshiki Shimizu red brick , corner decorative patterns highlighted .

  21. 闽台传统红砖建筑墙面表现艺术

    Arts of Expression of Traditional Red-Brick Wall in Fujian-Taiwan Region

  22. 那房子是红砖砌的,没有用灰泥粉刷

    The house is red brick without a covering of stucco

  23. 房屋都是红砖砌成,每一间看起来都一模一样。

    The houses were red brick and all looked exactly the same .

  24. 男孩把墙那儿的红砖搬到车里。

    The boy carried the red brick from the wall to the wagon .

  25. 或许,红砖要比玻璃窗更便宜。

    Maybe red bricks are cheaper than glass windows .

  26. 普通红砖用于电解槽的可行性研究

    The feasible research on the application of general red brick to electric tank

  27. 在新图书馆外墙是玻璃和红砖。

    Facades of the the new library are of glass and red brick .

  28. 我住在伦敦附近村庄一所老旧的红砖房里。

    I live in an old red-brick house in a village near London .

  29. 几栋红砖砌的院落还竖在那里,提醒人们这里的过去。

    A few red-brick courtyard houses still survive , a reminder of things past .

  30. 我们住在一幢维多利亚式的红砖房里。

    We lived in a Victorian red-brick house .