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jū sānɡ
  • be in mourning for one's dead parents
居丧 [jū sāng]
  • [go into mourning] 处在直系尊亲的丧期守制中。指守孝

  1. 在这居丧的时刻我向您表示真诚的慰问。

    You had my deep sympathy at this time of bereavement .

  2. 儿童死亡后居丧父母悲伤护理研究现状

    Grief Nursing of Bereaved Parents after the Death of Child

  3. 黑衣是居丧的表征。

    Black is a token of mourning .

  4. 居丧和天职是不容推托的。

    Death and duty were undeniable .

  5. 他要永远居丧,只好以夜色为丧服。

    As he wished always to appear in mourning , he clothed himself with the night .

  6. 从元杂剧可以看出元代汉族的葬式主要有土葬、火葬,无论居丧墓葬还是扫墓祭祀都彰显出特定的风俗礼仪。

    The funeral ceremony of the Han nationality mainly included burial and cremation , which showed a particular custom and rite .

  7. 以色列人在摩押平原为摩西哀哭了三十日,为摩西居丧哀哭的日子就满了。

    The Israelites grieved for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days , until the time of weeping and mourning was over .

  8. 她们尽管极为宽容,可是还没有考虑到叫一位居丧刚刚一年的寡妇到社交场合去服务呢。

    Even in their extremity , they had not considered asking a widow of scarcely a year to appear at a social function .

  9. 他常和居丧的朋友、守制的家庭、在柩旁叹息的神甫们混在一处。

    He mingled with the friends clad in mourning , with families dressed in black , with the priests groaning around a coffin .

  10. 南方的黑人音乐家开始吟唱他们的艰难的岁月,使他们感到居丧。这便开始了一种伤感的民歌。

    The blue stated when he black musicians in the South began to sing about their hard times , which made them feel blue .

  11. 从简牍材料来看,秦汉子女法律上的孝亲责任主要表现在供养其亲、奔丧居丧、追孝父祖。

    The duty of filial piety wan providing for his parents , hastening home for the funeral of his elders and sacrificing forefathers from bamboos .

  12. 在我那些表亲们还小的时候,他们就开始为逝者守灵、诵经或为居丧的人们提供所需帮助。

    Since they were children , my cousins have held wakes , chanted sutras over dead bodies , and anticipated the needs of those in mourning .

  13. 中国古代的丧葬制度包括埋葬制度和居丧制度,在古代社会生活中具有重要的地位。

    The funeral custom in ancient China includes to parts & burial custom and residential custom , which played a very important role in the ancient social life .

  14. 唐人的孝亲观主要体现为善事父母的养亲观、居丧致哀的祭亲观和忠重于孝的忠君观,这在诗歌中有充分体现。

    Their view of filial piety embodied in supporting parents , offering sacrifices to ancestors and being faithful to the emperor , which was fully reflected in filial piety poems .

  15. 如果他把我关在居丧之屋外头,那我会一次又一次地回去,求他放我进门,好分担我有权分担的。

    If he shut the doors of the house of mourning against me I would come back again and again and beg to be admitted , so that I might share in what I was entitled to share .

  16. 最后,对作为孝的构成部分的事死如事生亦即为父母居丧守孝以及祭祀的意义进行了分析医院开展居丧护理服务概述

    The article concludes with an analysis of the significance of mourning and memorial ceremony for the dead parents , which constitutes part of the meaning of filial piety . Necessity and Implementation of Providing Bereavement Care Services in Hospital Settings