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ɡuān fǔ
  • Government;local authorities;feudal official;administrative center
官府 [guān fǔ]
  • (1) [local authorities]∶ 旧指地方国家行政机关

  • 他这件官司并无难断之处,从前的官府,都因碍着脸面,所以如此。--《红楼梦》

  • (2) [feudal official]∶旧称封建官吏

  • 俄而大轿抬着一个乌帽猩袍的官府过去。--《红楼梦》

官府[guān fǔ]
  1. 最早开始于宋代,每逢腊八这一天,不论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥。

    Since the earliest beginning of the Song Dynasty , this porridge has been popular in the royal court , local authorities , temples and common families .

  2. 论文认为,南宋时期,王朝、地方官府、民间社会与保生大帝信仰形成一种和谐的互动;

    During Nan-song dynasty , dynasty , local authorities , folk society and Bao-sheng-da-di cult forms harmonious reciprocal relationship .

  3. 当地官府对此事守口如瓶。

    Local officials also largely kept the lid on this news .

  4. 宋代佛教与官府财政的关系&以曾巩与苏轼的见解为例

    The Relationship Between Buddhism in the Song Dynasty and Feudal Official Finance

  5. 试论中国古代官府的科技行为

    On Chinese Ancient Authorities ' Behavior in Science and Technology

  6. 第五章:民间调解与官府调解。

    The fifth part : civil arbitration and official arbitration .

  7. 其中第一节划分了官府手工业的类型。

    The first section divides 3 types of governmental handicraft .

  8. 析学在官府的西周音乐教育

    The Official Musical Education of the West Zhou Dynasty To learn English

  9. 没有嘈杂的音乐扰乱两耳,没有官府公文劳累身心。

    No noisy music disturb two ears , no government official overworked .

  10. 你儿子逃走了,官府正在缉拿归案。

    You son escaped , officials are brought to justice .

  11. 他赶紧跑到官府里去报告郑。

    He ran to the office to report to zheng .

  12. 所以在秩序被破坏的时候,纠纷产生了,在农民无法自己解决的时候,就诉诸官府了。

    So when the order was destroyed , disputes appeared .

  13. 柳老帮主派你到官府做内应。

    We planted you as a mole in the government .

  14. 在政治方面,官府宴酒、喝花酒的现象十分常见。

    In politics , offical banquet and drinking with trulls were very common .

  15. 在司令官府邸举行的一次花园招待会。

    A garden party at the commandant 's house .

  16. 预防与赈济:近代官府对安徽灾荒的救治

    Prevention and Relief : Governments Relieving and Controlling Anhui Disasters in modern Times

  17. 彼拉多传齐了祭司长,和官府,并百姓。

    Pilate called together the chief priests , the rulers and the people .

  18. 私作养就是为官府私作人员提供饮食服务的人。

    Privacy is a person who provides catering services for authorities ' privacy officer .

  19. 封建官府拉丁其实就是抓人去做苦力!

    " Impressment " refers to feudal officials forcing civilians to serve as coolies .

  20. 随着粟谷交换的商品化,后来又产生了粟谷贸易,主要包括官府常平和商贾贩运。

    Trade later , including two ways of Official Chang Ping and merchants trafficking .

  21. 宋代的豪强势力及其与地方官府的关系

    Despotic Force and its Relation with Local Government

  22. 明代官府公文用纸与档案的保护

    Paper for Copying Official Documents and the Protection of the Files in the Ming Dynasty

  23. 杜丽娘为了救他,来到官府将详情和盘托出。

    In order to save her lover , Du comes to court and explains everything .

  24. 中国古代官府手工业

    Feudal official handicraft in ancient China

  25. 除此之外,军余还被佥派徭役,供地方官府驱使劳作。

    In addition , the Army was Resentment sent lord , for local government driven labor .

  26. 清代江南地方官府对商业秩序的整治&以碑刻资料为中心的考察

    Measures to Improve Commercial Order by Local Governments in the Jiangnan Area in the Qing Dynasty

  27. 本章主要是对西周时期的贵族养成教育做出系统的梳理,论述了西周的学在官府制,西周的小学、大学,西周的教师是官师和一,父师不分的。

    This chapter mainly systematically sorts out the nobles developing education during the Western Zhou Dynasty .

  28. 在此情况下,官府的作用就显得愈益重要。

    In this case , the role of the government was becoming more and more important .

  29. 第二天,官府,长老,和文士,在耶路撒冷聚会。

    The next day the rulers , elders and teachers of the law met in Jerusalem .

  30. 汉代衙署建筑是政权的象征,体现出了官府的威严。县衙又称县寺,外有围墙将之围成一个相对封闭的区域。

    The construction of county yamen symbolized its regime in Han Dynasty , and incarnated governmental stateliness .