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  • 网络Watermelon;little watermelon
  1. 滴灌频率对温室小西瓜生长势、产量及品质的影响

    Effect of Irrigation Frequency on Plant Growth , Yield and Fruit Quality of Greenhouse Mini Watermelon

  2. 克里伯特和他的母亲在Facebook页面上发布了一段时长4分半的视频,收到了300多万的点击量。视频中克里伯特把一个小西瓜扔进了这只爬行动物张开的下颚。

    In a 4-and-a-half-minute video posted on Facebook -- which has gathered over 3 million views across Kliebert and Kliebert 's mother 's pages -- Kliebert tosses a small watermelon into the reptile 's waiting jaws .

  3. 波克紧抱着那小西瓜站在那里,不知究竟怎么办好,这时恰巧听见百里茜在大声喊叫。

    While pork stood with the little melon clutched to him , uncertain as to the final decision , they heard prissy cry out .

  4. 哈利忍着笑,看着马尔福急急忙忙冲上前去,他的鼻子肿成了一个小西瓜,脑袋被坠得耷拉着。

    Harry tried not to laugh as he watched Malfoy hurry forward , his head drooping with the weight of a nose like a small melon .

  5. 只过了三十秒钟,一个小西瓜大小的机器人沿走廊过来,它飞行在大概齐腰的角度,一面前进一面左右搜索异常情况。

    Within about thirty seconds a security robot the size of a small melon came flying down the corridor at about waist height , scanning left and right for anything unusual as it did so .

  6. 高维生素C、瓜氨酸含量小果型西瓜新品种黄玫瑰无籽1号的选育

    A New Mini Triploid Seedless Watermelon Variety ' Yellow Rose No. 1 '

  7. 一种香瓜蔓生植物的果实;小型到中型的黄壤的瓜。高维生素C、瓜氨酸含量小果型西瓜新品种黄玫瑰无籽1号的选育

    The fruit of a cantaloup vine ; small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh . A New Mini Triploid Seedless Watermelon Variety ' Yellow Rose No. 1 '

  8. 小果型西瓜离体诱导四倍体的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Induction in vitro of Tetraploid Mini-watermelon

  9. 小果型西瓜同源四倍体的诱导及其特性研究

    A Study on the Induction of Tetraploid Watermelon with Small Fruits and its Properties

  10. 11个小果型西瓜材料模糊综合评判

    Blur Comprehensive Evaluation of 11 Mini Watermelon Cultivars

  11. 本文对小果型西瓜自交系21,90141149157进行离体组织培养诱导四倍体,研究秋水仙素浓度、处理时间与再生途径对诱导率的影响;

    Mini-diploid watermelon inbred-line 21 , 90 , 141 , 149 , 157 were used for inducing tetraploid in vitro culture .

  12. 采用秋水仙素滴苗处理和未成熟子叶离体培养等方法,对6个小果型西瓜品系和1个大果型品系进行了同源四倍体的诱导及其特性研究。

    The induction of tetraploid watermelon for six diploid watermelon varieties with small fruits and one with big fruits was conducted by different methods .

  13. 舅舅甚至给我零用钱,让我能在学校买点心吃。在明戈拉,学校卖的是糖果和薯片,卡夏特这里卖的零食则是小黄瓜与西瓜。

    My uncle even gave me pocket money to buy snacks at school - they sold cucumber and watermelon not sweets and crisps like in Mingora .