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  1. 论国际法上海盗罪构成条件之弊端

    On The Fraud Of Conditions Constituting Crime Of Piracy In International Law

  2. 根据军事法她没有罪。

    She had committed no offence under military law .

  3. 国际法上战争罪内涵的历史演变

    The Historical Change of the Contents of War Crime Based on the International Laws

  4. 法益与罪数

    Legal interests and crime number

  5. 定罪的实体法原则包括罪之法定原则、主客观相统一原则、必要性原则。

    The latter involves principle of conviction according to laws , principle of correspondence between subjectivity and objectivity , principle of necessity .

  6. 这篇文章就是着重论述国际法对海盗罪界定存在的不足,以及对这种不足提出自己的完善建议。

    This article focuses on the shortcomings of the international law which has defined the crime of piracy , and put forward my own proposals .

  7. 运用注释研究法对盗窃罪条文进行文理分析解释,使条文的语义更加明确。

    The essay would like to analyze and interpret the provisions of larceny by applying the research method of annotations to deeply clarify the semantics of the provisions .

  8. 隋朝对罪刑法定有了明确的规定和要求,同时也规定了在某些情况下可以法外断罪。

    In Sui Dynasty it was clearly defined the principle of legally prescribed punishment for specified crime . Meanwhile in this period of time , some cases judged outside of law was also allowed .

  9. 中华人民共和国国家工作人员和军人在中华人民共和国领域外犯本法规定之罪的,适用本法。

    This Law shall be applicable to any State functionary or serviceman who commits a crime prescribed in this Law outside the territory and territorial waters and space of the People 's Republic of China .

  10. 它是构成普通法中的盗窃罪的必要条件。

    It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny .

  11. 将法益作为判断罪数的唯一标准,确实不尽合理,但是,法益于罪数论意义重大。

    It is irrational to regard legal interests as the only standard for judging crime number , while , legal interests is important to theory of crime number .

  12. 并且,有些问题,如罪数、法条竞合、罪与非罪和罪与罪的界限;

    And , some questions , As quantity of crime , overlap of article of law , demarcation line of crime and not crime , crime and guilty .

  13. 其次,考虑到法益对重婚罪问题研究的重要性,从法益视角入手,将关于重婚罪法益之争论归纳为婚姻登记秩序说与一夫一妻制说两种基本思路。

    Secondly , having regard to the issue of benefits to the importance of bigamy , from the perspective of benefits start with bigamy law will be beneficial on the controversy into " marriage registration order " and " monogamy " two basic ideas .

  14. 与此相适应,犯罪成立理论的核心问题就应当从解释法条转向限制实质性定罪知识起作用的方式和实现超法规定罪知识的具体化。

    Accordingly , the core of the criminal constitute theory should turn to make the effect of virtual factors rationalization and make the virtual factors concretion .

  15. 国际法上惩治海盗犯罪的重要法律依据是1982年的《联合国海洋法公约》,然而随着海盗犯罪的激增国际法对海盗罪的认定渐渐凸显了很多不足之处。

    An important legal basis for the punishment of piracy crimes in international law is the 1982 " United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea ," but with the surge of piracy pirate crimes the international law has been gradually highlighted many deficiencies .