
  • 网络Champion
封王 [fēng wáng]
  • [carry off the first prize] 封为国王,喻取得桂冠

  • 美国男子花式滑冰包坦诺四度封王

  1. 经过几番奋战,他终于拳坛封王。

    After many struggles , he was finally crowned as the boxing champion .

  2. 纳达尔法网第13次封王

    Nadal wins 13th French Open

  3. 伴随著双城击败红袜,这场胜利洋基的封王魔术数字降为1。

    The win , combined with boston 's loss to minnesota , drops new york 's magic number for clinching the American League East to1 .

  4. 在过去六年中,他帮助皇马问鼎1997和2001赛季西班牙甲级联赛冠军,并在1998、2000和2002年度的欧洲冠军联赛中三度封王。

    Over the past six years he has helped Real Madrid to Spainish league titles in1997 and2001 and three Champions League wins in1998,2000 , and2002 .

  5. 他以往曾三度在匈牙利封王,包括去年,当时他在这站拿下第四次世界冠军。

    He is a three-time champion in Hungary , including last year , when he won the World Championship for the fourth time in this stop .

  6. 洛杉矶天使队已经在美联西区封王,而在美联四队都已成定局时国联却悬而未定。

    The Los Angeles Angels already have clinched the AL West , so all four AL playoff teams were decided before any spot in the NL was clinched .

  7. 东汉皇族管理延续了西汉的管理模式,皇族成员封王封侯,但并未有多大的实际政治影响力。

    The continuation of the Western Han Dynasty Royal family management mode of management , members of the royal family King monkey , but did not have much practical political influence .

  8. 随著魔术数字只剩1,而且蓝鸟已无缘进季后赛,所以洋基要在美联东区封王所需要的就是今晚赢球或是红袜输给双城。

    With a magic number of one , and the jays officially eliminated , all the Yankees need tonight to clinch the AL East title is a victory or a Boston loss to minnesota .

  9. 那时项羽试图恢复原来的统治体系,拥原来楚国的一位王室成员为帝,并且割地封王。

    Xiang Yu then attempted to restore the earlier ruling system . He gave the title of emperor to a member of the former imperial family of the state of Ch'u and divided the country among the various insurgent generals , making each a ruler of one of the old royal houses .

  10. 韩信求封“假王”之事,一直被学术界认为“借机争权”或“居功要挟以求利”。

    Han-xin'asking for " Furlough-King " has been throught " to scrabble for the authority " or " take credit to himself in order to benefit " by the academe .

  11. 他会封哈曼为摄政王。

    He will appoint Haman as his regent .

  12. “因为他的伟大,他被封为土地之王。”

    " By reason of his greatness , he was made king over the land . "

  13. 公元907年,后梁封他为吴越王,建都于杭州,拥有两浙之地。

    In 907 , Qian Liu was granted as the King of Wuyue with Hangzhou as capital .

  14. 公元902年,唐昭宗封他为吴王,建都扬州。

    In 902 , , he was granted as King of Wu by the Emperor Zhaozhong of the Tang with Yangzhou as capital .

  15. 924年,后唐庄宗封他为南平王,都于江陵,仅有荆州一地,是十国中最弱小的一国。

    In 924 , he was granted King Nanping with Jiangling as cspital , owning only Jingzhou , which was the smallest state .

  16. 春季外界环境温度不稳定,温差大,蜂团边缘温度是影响雄蜂封盖子和封盖王台的主要因子。

    In spring , the ambient temperature was unstable with great temperature difference . The cluster edge temperature was the main factor affecting the numbers of the drone and queen sealed broods .

  17. 晋元帝司马睿,司马懿曾孙,袭父封为琅蚜王,都督扬州江南诸军事,由下邳移镇建邺(后又改名建康,今江苏省南京市)。

    Sima Rui , the great grandson of Sima Yi , granted as the King of Langya from his father , was in charge of the defense in south of Yangzhou ( now Jiangsu province ) and moved his headquarters from Xiapi to Jianye ( later called Jiankang , now Nanjing City ) .