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  1. Lipo-PGE1是将PGE1封人直径为0.2微米的脂微粒中,利用脂微球的载体特性,将药物运送到病变部位,减少药物在肺部的灭活,降低了药物对血管壁的刺激作用。

    Lipo-PGE1 can be defined that by exploiting the characteristics of Lipo-Particle , PGE1 is sealed into 0 . 2m-Lipo-particle so as to obtain less inactivity of the drug in the lung and reduced stimulation of drug to vascular wall .

  2. 我终于收到拜伦的一封叫人快慰的信了。

    It got one lovely letter from Byron at last .

  3. 或是写一封给人看上去不礼貌且可以转发的邮件。

    or writing an email that feels impolite and can be forwarded around .

  4. 写一封让人信服的求职信需要花费很多时间和精力;但不要认为你可以讨巧——用同一封求职信来应付不同雇主。

    Writing a convincing cover letter takes a lot of time and effort , but don 't think you can cut corners by writing just one letter and sending it to different employers .

  5. 这么多年过去了,现在住在美国康涅狄格州的科林早就忘记了这件事情。直到前不久科林收到一封让人惊喜的邮件,邮件来自瑞士山地小镇库尔当地的警察。

    Years passed and Colin , who now lives in the US state of Connecticut , forgot about the incident until he received a surprise email from a police officer in the tiny Swiss mountain town of Chur .

  6. 她就是写这封信的人。

    She was the writer of the letter .

  7. 他就是写这封信的人。

    He was the writer of the letter .

  8. 在您阅读完本文之后,“jQuery的性能好吗”这个问题将得到解答,并且给我发送那封电子邮件的人也将知道他的断言是否正确。

    By the time you have finished reading this article , your question of " Is the performance of jQuery good ?" should be answered , and the e-mailer from above should know whether his claims are warranted .

  9. 结束段:说明你希望读到这封信的人怎么做

    Conclusion - Say what you want the reader to do .

  10. 这种药剂杀菌但封宠物和人无害。

    This drug kills germs but is harmless to pets and people .

  11. 写这封信的人一定能查得出来。

    The letter 's authorship could not be kept secret .

  12. 寄这封信的人很可能是定制的。

    The person that sent this may as well have signed it .

  13. 和一个只和你通过几封信的人?

    With whom you exchanged just a couple of letters ?

  14. 我遇到一位住在封街的人。

    I met a man from across the street .

  15. 你父亲写给我好几封很感动人的信。

    Your father has written me lovely letters .

  16. 那个交给你这封信的人。

    The man who gave you the letter .

  17. 收到这封信的人可以选择买一个保证金,10元的。

    Those who receive the letter can opt to buy " goat insurance " for $ 10 .

  18. 我所要做的就是先给发给我这封信的人寄一些钱。

    All I have to do is first send some money to the person who sent me the letter .

  19. 我感到任何检查这封信的人都会明显感觉申请者并非对申请有足够的重视。

    I felt it would be apparent to anyone reviewing his material that he didn 't give his application much thought .

  20. 但看过那封信的人表示,信中措辞比她的公开言论激烈得多,涉及的范围也更广。

    But people who have read the letter said it is much stronger in tone and scope than her public comments .

  21. 发出这封信的人,向我们提出了这么重要的问题,是对我们的信赖,我们全体记者感到非常高兴。

    Person who send out this letter , put forward to us the so important problem , is very happy with our in reliance on , we all reporter .

  22. 记得吗,上次讲到歌罗西书和以弗所书时,两封信给人的感觉是,死而复生好像已经发生。

    Remember how I even talked about with Colossians and Ephesians last time , you had this idea that they almost sound like the resurrection has already taken place .

  23. 然后照片被送至拆迁警察处,同至的还有一封项目协调人要求尽快采取行动的信函。

    These photographs were then sent to the construction police , along with a letter from the project co-ordinator asking for action to be taken " as fast as possible " .

  24. 虽然是同一种技艺,但有的人用来博得了封赏,有的人却仍然以漂洗棉絮为业,这是因为技艺的使用方法不同啊!

    for his exploits . Having the same feat , someone used it to get an award while someone continued to bleach cotton . It was all because how the feat was used .

  25. 当《决定性的十年》一书出版后,我收到过无数封来自30岁人的email,其中一封信中说道:

    I cannot tell you how many emails I have received from 30somethings since The Defining Decade came out , ones in which the writer says something like ,

  26. 他设法封所有有关的人公正。

    He tried to be just to all the people concerned .

  27. 收到这封电函的人,若能将它转寄给10个人。

    Whenever a person forwards this message to10 other persons .

  28. 这封信的收信人三年前就去世了。

    The person to whom this letter was addressed died three years ago .

  29. 读这封推荐信的人肯定能做出自己的推断。

    Readers will surely make their own inferences ;

  30. 维尔加这封信的收信人。这篇小说就是以这种形式来叙述的。

    The recipient of Verga 's letter , in which form the story is cast .