- 网络coordinate phrase

When NP is subjective phrase , it can be divided into modification phrases , the phrases of " de ", coordinative phrases and appositive phrases .
An Exploration on the Factors Restricting the Structural Order of Compound Phrase
On Typology and Universals of Chinese Coordinate Phrases
In markedness , the Chinese CP is weak and English CP is strong .
This essay mainly discusses this small class of combinative phrases and their functions .
The Characteristics of the Combination Between Substantives and Numeral-Classifier Compound The Verbal Bound Phrase
Thus we try to classify them as another class and name them additional combinative phrases .
From every linguistic perspective & form , use and meaning , it makes original research and analysis of Chinese CP.
The system is combined with the basic old - age insurance and enterprise additional insurance ; On Additional Combinative Phrases
United phrase is one of Chinese basic phrases , its expressions were varied , the internal composition is very complicated .
Chapter 2 . The paper rather explicitly analyses the typical phenomena and characteristics in CP in some languages represented by Chinese .
This article probes into the two types , the article considers the N + N , A + A , V + V the three major united phrases in turn .
It employs cognitive linguistic theories to analyse the typical language type features in Chinese CP , and , on some reliable bases , analyses the cognitive motivations about linguistic structural features .
The grammatical status of each structural item in a compound phrase is equal , but it does not mean that the structural order of a compound phrase can be changed at will .
However it does produce a change in the rhetorical effect of the sentence with the shift of the positon of the subject , attribute , adverbial , supplement or words in phrases .
Through the study and analysis of Chinese CP ( coordinate phrases ), this paper explores some common linguistic features between Chinese and some other languages in the world as well as some typical language type features in Chinese CP.
If we examine it from the angle of the semantic relationship , different factors restricting the structural order of a compound phrase will be discovered when the relationship between the structural item is coordinate , in proper sequence , or increasing by degrees .
Break when a semicolon is followed by a white space ; this is assumed to be the end of a conjunction or phrase .