
běn yì
  • original meaning;literal sense
本义 [běn yì]
  • [original meaning; literal sense] 词语的本来的意义,如关的本义是门闩,引申为合拢(关门)

本义[běn yì]
  1. 《诗本义》内容研究。

    The contents of the " Original Meaning of Poetry " .

  2. 古典经络理论本义辨析

    Differentiation and analysis of original meaning of classical channel theories

  3. 这个词不能按本义去理解。

    This word should not be taken in its literal sense .

  4. 你的头发有放下来过,是吧[这里的hair是本义]?

    That hair does come down , doesn 't it ?

  5. 在指纹匹配部分,本义提出了一种适合于DSP的基于三角形检索的匹配算法。

    In the matching section , a matching algorithm based on index triangle is brought forward .

  6. 本义对开槽式Cu空心阴极激光器的放电特性进行了研究,主要内容包括放电器的伏安特性和等离子体参量。

    In this paper , the Characteristics of laser tubes for cu hollow cathode with notch are studied .

  7. 本义研究合成孔径雷达(SAR)图象结构特征检测。

    This paper studies on the detection of structural featrues in synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) images .

  8. (译者注:Drake'sFolly,drake在这里意含双关,即指瑞克的名字,又指该词的本义即鸭子。)但当瑞克往下钻至70英尺(21米)的时候,他发现了石油。

    But when he had drilled down about 70 feet ( 21 meters ) , Drake struck oil .

  9. 设f为不带边的紧致流形M上的自覆盖映射,本义证明了,若f∈intE(M),则f满足弱公理A。

    Suppose that f is a self-covering map of a compact manifold M without boundary . The authors prove that if f ∈ intE ( M ), then f satisfies weak-Axiom A.

  10. 本义研究转化生长因子β1(TGF-β1)和P53对致癌物转化的大鼠气管上皮(RTE)细胞的影响。

    The present study was carried out to investigate the role of TGF 8 , and p53 on carcinogen-transformed rat tracheal epithelial ( RTE ) cells .

  11. 本义简述了辐射固化技术的发展历史,回顾了我国辐射固化涂料的发展状况,介绍了户外用UV涂料的特点、制备及国外最新进展。

    This paper describes the history of UV curing technology , the development of UV curing coatings in China , and introduces the properties , preparation and latest global trends of UV curing coatings for outdoors .

  12. 我在想打入一栋楼对你来说应该不在话下吧?【wheelhouse本义是舵手室,在俚语里表示特殊技能。inone'swheelhouse就表示在能力范围之内。】

    I 'm thinking , breaking into a building isn 't too far outside your wheelhouse .

  13. 本义介绍利用小波理论建立新的取样定理的方法,这一方法的优点在于可以根据具体问题的要求选取适当的基本空间V0,从而获得较佳的抽样插值效果。

    In this paper , the method of establishing new sampling theorem by wavelet theory is studied . The superiority of this method is that we can select appropriate fundamental space Vo according to the practical demands , and gain mort accurate results .

  14. Tropics一字本义指约自北纬23度至南纬23度之间的地区;它暗指暑热。地球纬度是从赤道向南或向北以度数来表示。

    The word " Tropics " means the area between about 23 ° N and 23 ° S ; it connotes heat . Terrestrial latitude is measured in degrees north or south from the equator .

  15. 本义采用的TTT曲线数值化方法,不仅便于计算机存贮和调用,也便于将现有的TTT图进行处理.得出与工件实际成分相对应的TTT曲线,从而提高相变计算的精度。

    Method of TTT curves ' datamation adapted in this paper is convenient for not only computer storage and recalling . but also processing of now available TTT diagrams , with which fitting formulas of TTT curves related to actual ingredient of specimen are got to arise computing precision .

  16. 确定成本约束下学费、财政经费的市场化互补模型&向成本补偿本义的回归

    Market - Directed Complementary Model on Restriction of Fixed Cost

  17. 词本义研究,属于语言学范畴。

    And the research on the words ' sense belongs to linguistics .

  18. 本义重点研究以遥感为主的多源信息综合处理技术,取得的主要成果是:对遥感数据采用特定的图像处理,减弱了植被、冻土带的干扰;

    The research mainly focused on the integrated Remote sensing infor-mation processing technique .

  19. 混淆了词的本义与语境义;

    He confused the original meaning with the environment meaning of a word ;

  20. 其中,本义是源,引申义是流,义项间具有演化派生关系,因此抓住本义是理解和掌握多义词的关键。

    The key to understanding polysemantic words is to master their original meaning .

  21. 健全人格:五四时期教育目标的本义

    Perfect personality : implications of the educational objective during the May 4th movement

  22. 汉语字词本义研究的误区

    On the Mistaken Concepts in the Study of Chinese Characters ' Original Meaning

  23. 略论词的本义和词语搭配的关联二、注重词的联想与搭配;

    The Relations between Original Meaning of a Word and Collocation 2.association and collocation ;

  24. 风险的本义,是一种损失的不确定性。

    The original meaning of risk refers to a kind of uncertainty of loss .

  25. 巴字本义与巴人精神通释

    Discussion on the Original Meaning of Ba and on the Spirit of the Bas

  26. 这是把文学范式的批评中心从文学的本义转向读者的体验的一个决定性的转折。

    This is a critical turning point from literature text itself to readers ' experience .

  27. 在这本书里,这个词是用它的本义,除非另有说明。

    In this book the word is used in its original sense unless otherwise stated .

  28. 灌输的本义是输送,它是个中性的概念。

    The original meaning of inculcation is delivering , and it is a neutral concept .

  29. 追寻自由&论经济伦理自由范畴本义

    After Freedom : A Study on the Real Meaning of Freedom as the Economic Ethics Category

  30. 古今有许多病证的名称相同,但其本义已经发生了改变。

    Some diseases are same in name but different in meaning in ancient and modern times .