
  • 网络undergraduate level
  1. 高等师范教育(highernormaleducation)属于高层次的师范教育,指专门培养基础教育学校教师的高等教育,它包括本科层次和专科层次的高等教育。

    The higher normal education belongs to the high level normal education , which specializes in educating teachers for basic schools , it includes both the undergraduate level and college level education .

  2. 德国本科层次的双元制职业教育窥探

    Probe into Dual-System Vocational Education at Undergraduate Level in Germany

  3. 要给予本科层次高职教育应有的法律地位。

    Senior vocational university education should be granted legal positions .

  4. 发展南通本科层次高职教育研究

    Developing the Research of Undergraduate Higher Vocational Education in Nantong

  5. 大学与小学合作培养本科层次小学教师的理念与实践&以陇东学院为例

    Cultivating Undergraduate-level Primary School Teachers : A Case Study of Longdong University

  6. 创新的重点是提高本科层次人才培养质量。

    The focus of innovation is to improve the quality of undergraduate-level personnel .

  7. 论本科层次《环境与资源保护法学》的课程建设

    On the Undergraduate Level " Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law " Course

  8. 美国密歇根大学本科层次小学教师教育方案研究

    A Study of the Undergraduate Elementary Teacher Education Program at the University of Michigan

  9. 本文的研究对象主要是定位为本科层次的应用型人才培养模式。

    Research object of this article is the cultivating model of applied-type undergraduate talents .

  10. 面向工作世界&以本科层次教育为主,满足中职需求;

    Regard undergraduate education as the main way to meet the middle vocation school demands ;

  11. 本科层次复合型小学数学师资培养研究

    Training Compound Primary School Mathematical Teachers

  12. 论大学本科层次小学教育专业的课程设置

    Thinking about Courses Offered in the College for the Undergraduate Levels of the Primary Educational Discipline

  13. 《网络,计算机和你》是大学本科层次的一门完全网络课程。

    " Internet , Computer and You " is a complete internet course at the undergraduate level .

  14. 与此同时,大学本科层次的人才培养质量也日益受到社会的广泛关注,其中衡量本科人才培养质量的一个重要指标就是本科毕业论文质量。

    Meanwhile , the quality of talent training of undergraduate is gaining wide concern from the society .

  15. 四川省2008年的开考专业中,本科层次专业占到总开考专业的54%。

    Sichuan 2008 opens tests in the specialty , the undergraduate course level specialized occupies always opens tests specialized 54 % .

  16. 随着高等职业教育的发展,大力兴办本科层次职业学院已成为历史的必然。

    With the development of higher vocational education , strongly establishing vocational college of undergraduate course level has become historical inevitability .

  17. 该文在详细分析社会需求的基础上,构建了职技高师教育技术学专业(本科层次)新的培养目标,设置了相应的课程体系。

    Based on detailed analysis of social demand , this paper constructs the new training objective and curriculum system for educational technology major .

  18. 床是一个为期两年的高中学生在本科层次的常识两年后进入本科课程。

    The BEDS is a two-year senior undergraduate program that students may enter after two years of general studies at the undergraduate level .

  19. 发展本科层次的高职教育是高职高专毕业生继续深造和高职教育体系自身完善的需要。

    We need to develop university education so as to make graduates from senior vocational colleges further their study and make the education system perfect .

  20. 然而,近年来社会普遍对教育技术学专业本科层次毕业生的实践能力提出了质疑,学生就业面临空前的困难。

    However , in recent years , practical abilities of graduate of educational technology have been questioned , who are facing unprecedented difficulties in employment .

  21. 但是英语也正扩展到本科层次的教育,南韩大学在语言课程中包含30%的英语。

    But English is also spreading to the undergraduate level , with some South Korean universities offering up to30 percent of their courses in the language .

  22. 随着社会经济的发展,理论界展开了在我国经济相对发达的东部沿海地区试办四年制本科层次高职教育的探讨。

    With the development of economy , the educationists begin to discuss whether we can begin undergraduate vocational education in developed coastal areas in east China .

  23. 此外,大多数本科层次的学生采取的先决条件的课程,如英语,数学和社会和物理科学的一年。

    In addition , most students at the undergraduate level take a year of prerequisite courses such as English , mathematics , and social and physical science .

  24. 它扩宽了高等教育本科层次的教育资源,增添了高等教育的办学活力,同时也满足了人民群众对接受高等教育多样化的需求。

    They broaden the undergraduate education resources , enhance the higher education vitality and meet the needs of the broad masses of the people to accept the higher education diversification .

  25. 独立学院是按照新的机制和模式举办的本科层次的学院,它有自己的定位和人才培养目标。

    Independent college is a college enrolling undergraduate level students and its operating mechanism is in a new way , it has its own orientation and aims of talent cultivation .

  26. 教育部表示,力争到2020年每省(区、市)至少有1所高校举办儿科学本科层次专业教育。

    China aims to have at least one higher learning institute in each provincial-level region offering undergraduate pediatric courses by 2020 , according to the Ministry of Education ( MOE ) .

  27. 独立学院的出现,为广大人民群众提供了更多本科层次的高等教育优质资源,实现了高等教育办学主体多元化,发挥了其他教育形式不可替代的重要作用。

    Emergence of independent colleges , offers more for the broad masses of undergraduate higher education of high quality resources , achieving a diversification of higher education and played an irreplaceable and important role .

  28. 西部民族地区中小城市兴办本科层次的高等院校,无疑会对当地的政治、经济、文化的发展产生积极的影响。

    Developing higher learning institutions at undergraduate level in middle and small-sized cities of ethnic regions in the west will , undoubtedly , produce positive effects on the local political , economic and cultural development .

  29. 了解当前小学教师的素质现状及发展动态,是确定本科层次小学教师培养目标和课程设置的基本前提。

    Understanding present qualities and development of primary school teachers is the basic premise to set training goals and design curriculum . Therefore , an investigation on professional qualities of Tianjin primary school teachers has been made .

  30. 当前对外汉语专业已是国家重点支持专业,目前开设有此专业的仅有本科层次的部分高校,高等职业院校的该专业开设仍是空白。

    The specialty of external Chinese language is the state 's key support specialty , it is set up only in the level of undergraduate universities , and it isn 't set up in higher vocational colleges .