
  • 网络Instinct Theory;instinctive theory
  1. 本文通过文本细读,结合传记资料,借弗洛伊德生死本能论的视角,拟在探究普拉斯晚期代表诗作《阿丽尔》中的死亡主题以及背后的创作动因。

    This essay explores the motif of death in Plath 's masterpiece Ariel through a close reading of the poetry under the perspective of Freud 's instinct theory .

  2. 《呼啸山庄》与弗洛伊德的本能论

    Wuthering Heights and Freud 's Human Instinct

  3. 他被认为是支持性本能论的,其观点试图毁掉,人是善良理性而又纯粹的这一概念。

    He was seen as a sexual renegade out to destroy the conception of people as good and rational and pure beings .

  4. 他认为,似本能人性论是人性研究上的一场革命,但这种革命是为更高发展阶段所作的准备,因而具有过渡性质。

    He thought that " Similar instinct " human nature was a revolution in the studies of human nature , but this revolution was just a preparation for a higher stage of development .