
  • 网络ego instinct;ego-instincts;egoinstinct;Ichtriebe
  1. 这是我们自我本能的欲望。

    It 's our ego 's natural yearning .

  2. 而这个想法最终超越了我的自我保护本能。

    And that , in the end , overrode my instinct towards self-preservation .

  3. 然而,数字工具已经导致了这种遗忘功能、这种人类对尴尬窘境自我特赦本能的消失。

    Digital tools have eliminated that amnesty .

  4. 本文通过研讨人类的本能和基本心理,得出结论自我保存本能是正义存在的基础;

    By analyzing the instinct and basic psychology , the paper draws the conclusion that the instinct of self-protecting is the rationale of justice ;

  5. 在招募特工或线人时,我们要求他要无视保全自我的本能,要违反自己国家的法律&做一名叛国者。

    In recruiting an agent or ' asset , ' we were asking him to ignore the instinct of self-preservation , to break the laws of his own country ─ to become a traitor .

  6. 反升华以对立于性升华的形式存在于人的心理结构中,形成对社会普遍理想和价值观念的反抗,同时也是超越自我心理本能的表现。

    In the psychological structure , The Desublimation is setted against the Sublimation , it resists the universal ideals and the values of the society , meanwhile , it is the performance beyond the psychological instinct .

  7. 自助行为作为一种重要的私力救济形式,源于人性中最深层次的自我保护本能,如何对其进行合理规制以发挥其积极作用并规避其消极影响,是各国必须正视的一个问题。

    As an important form of private remedy , self-help behavior is from the deepest human instincts of self-protection , how to carry out reasonable regulation to make it play a positive role and avoid its negative impact is a problem that many countries have to face .

  8. 自我保护的本能对思想的自由顺畅交流产生不利影响。

    Defensive instincts militate against free and easy exchange of ideas .

  9. 两个超级大国都有自我保护的本能。

    Both superpowers shared the same instinct for self-preservation .

  10. 但我的自我保全的本能太强,不按照这条路走。

    But my instinct of self-preservation was strong enough not to function this way .

  11. 攻击性是一种天生的生存机制,也一种自我保护的本能,它让动物自我保护免受生存的威胁。

    Aggression is a kind of innate survival mechanism an instinct for self-preservation that allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence .

  12. 而这可能会破坏婚姻的稳定:当母亲和妻子开战,男人自我保护的本能会告诉他能躲多远是多远。

    This can destabilize the marriage : When his mother and his wife are battling , a man 's self-preservation instinct tells him to hide .

  13. 尽管我一开始有点怀疑,但这种技术给人的感觉实在太真实了,甚至让我差点失去了自我保护的本能。

    Despite my initial skepticism , the technology seemed all-too realistic - to the point that I couldn 't overcome my natural instinct for self-preservation .

  14. 不知是否出于内心深处的自利或自我防护的本能,为对抗美国政坛甚嚣尘上的民粹主义潮流,富人们在2008年可能会变得比较“左”。

    Whether it 's out of enlightened self-interest or self-preservation , the rich may tilt left in2008 in an effort to damp the growing populist streak in American politics .

  15. 人们来到商业街渴望寻找一些新鲜和刺激,于是他们有了与陌生人相互亲近的倾向,但是自我保护的本能又让他们自觉地与他人保持距离。

    People came to street to find some fresh , so they have a tendency to associate with strangers . But the self-preservation instincts let them keep away from other people .

  16. 而这可能会破坏婚姻的稳定:当母亲和妻子开战,男人自我保护的本能会告诉他能躲多远是多远。如何才能打破这一模式?

    This can destabilize the marriage : When his mother and his wife are battling , a man 's self-preservation instinct tells him to hide . How can families break the pattern ?

  17. 警察和我们其他人一样,都有自我保护的人类本能。

    The police have the same human urge for self-preservation as the rest of us .

  18. 非理性作为能够自我意识到的本能,本是构成生存理性以及理性地阐释人生存的关键环节。

    Irrational as the instinct that can be conscious self , is a constitutive existent reason and the key sector of interpretation of human existence reasonably .