
  • 网络the spontaneous order
  1. 此种文明进化机制被称作自生自发秩序。

    2 , A civilization known as the evolutionary mechanism Spontaneous order .

  2. 增进了市场经济条件下的自生自发秩序;

    And increases the spontaneous order under the market economy ;

  3. 苏格兰启蒙运动的自由主义紧紧围绕自发秩序这一主题。

    And the the spontaneous order is the subject of this campaign .

  4. 哈耶克自生自发秩序思想研究

    The Research on the Thought of Hayek 's Spontaneous Order

  5. 高等教育自发秩序:建构还是控制?

    Spontaneous Order in Higher Education : Construction or Control ;

  6. 自发秩序与我国证券市场效率分析

    The Spontaneous Order and the Analyses of Stock Market Efficiency in China

  7. 哈耶克自生自发秩序概念评析

    Comments on and Analysis of Hayek 's Spontaneous Order

  8. 关于制度的形成演进有两种思想,它们分别是建构理性主义与演进理性主义。这两种思想对应着制度的形成演进的两种路径,即社会整体工程与自生自发秩序。

    There are two kinds of thought about the formation mechanism of system ;

  9. 自生自发秩序建立在一种进化论理性观之上。

    Spontaneous order , based on a rational view on the theory of evolution .

  10. 在哈耶克那里,自生自发秩序是其理论的中心环节;

    Spontaneous order is the corn ;

  11. 普通法既为自生自发秩序的产物,又是自由的保障手段;

    Common-law does not result from spontaneous order , but also is the safeguard of liberty ;

  12. 论哈耶克自生自发秩序原理视角下的学位授权政策研究

    Research on Degree Authorization Policy from the Perspective of Hayek 's Theory of " Spontaneous Order "

  13. 马克思并没有完全否认自发秩序,而是对自发性的定位不同。

    Marx did not completely deny the spontaneous order , but located the different position of spontaneity .

  14. 普通法是自生秩序的产物,也是社会这个大的自生自发秩序的保障,亦即自由的保障。

    It results from spontaneous order and is the stronghold against it , or rather the guarantee of freedom .

  15. 社会中存在自发秩序,而人与人之间较密切之秩序是这种秩序的基础。

    There are spontaneous orders in the society , and the bases of such orders are those intimate orders .

  16. 一种理论认为日常生活世界是一个自发秩序形成的感性世界,最好的政策是对日常生活世界放任自由。

    Someone just take the nowaday life as a spontaneous perceptual world , people had better only enjoy it .

  17. 而这必将导致正反反馈机制的失效,从而威胁自生自发秩序。

    And this will inevitably lead to the failure of the positive and negative feedback mechanisms , thus threatening Spontaneous order .

  18. 第四部分:秩序论哈耶克的法治理论是建立在完整的社会秩序观之上的,法治之规定性的确定最终源于对自生自发秩序的洞见与体认。

    The fourth part is on the order . Hayek 's theory of law is founded on the integrate social order .

  19. 自发秩序理论认为社会秩序由自生自发秩序和计划秩序组成。

    According to the spontaneous order theory , the social order is composed by the spontaneous order and the plan order .

  20. 笔者追溯了自生自发秩序起源研究,阐明了组织秩序的两种不同含义,并界定了内部规则和外部规则。

    I track down the study of the spontaneous trigin , illustrate different definitions of organization order and define nomos and thesis .

  21. 一般而言,计划秩序观对法律价值的考量是功用论的,而自发秩序观则强调超越的法律价值论。

    Generally speaking , planned order view reviews law value based on practical argument , while spontaneous order view emphasizes more on exceeding one .

  22. 自生自发秩序是一种个人按照自己的知识,自由追求自己利益的秩序,而且人类的理性又是有限的。

    Spontaneous order is an individual in accordance with their knowledge , free to pursue their own interests order , and human rationality is limited .

  23. 这种信息差距到底存不存在平衡的可能性与可行性?经济生活的自发秩序(经营者自愿告知)可以部分解决信息不对称的问题,但难以全尽。

    The spontaneous order in the economical activities can be of some help , but not totally , to solve the problem of asymmetrical information .

  24. 这种背离存在具有违背法理、挤压自发秩序空间和压抑权利机制形成等危险。

    In this case , such perils as violating the basic jurisprudence , encroaching the space of spontaneous order , oppressing the fight-forming mechanism spring up .

  25. 他的自生自发秩序,是为了否定人为设计的计划经济的秩序基础,确立市场经济的合法性地位;

    His spontaneous order aims to negate the basis of order for the artificially planned economy , while establishing the legal status of the market economy ;

  26. 其中所体现的,是可扩展的自生自发秩序,是学术场域中的大学和经济场域中的企业之间的共生共荣。

    Such a process embodies the extendible spontaneous order , and mutualistic symbiosis between the university in the academic field and the firm in the economic field .

  27. 因而自生自发秩序在哈耶克的社会理论中居于核心地位。自生自发的社会秩序的存在与发展依赖于三个条件,即自由、一般性规则、竞争。

    Therefore , the theory of spontaneous order is the key in the spontaneous order depended on three conditions : freedom , the general order and competition .

  28. 当然,大学以自由为存续逻辑,并非意味着大学没有或拒绝秩序,事实上,大学的自由恰恰是自发秩序与计划秩序双向建构的结果。

    Certainly , taking freedom as existing logic doe not mean lacking or refusing order , actually , university freedom is results of spontaneous and planning order .

  29. 同时,由于自发秩序的存在,使得网络内部高效率的平行生产得以实现。

    At the same time , as a result of the existent of spontaneous order , the network interior ' high efficient parallel production can come true .

  30. 这两种思想对应着制度的形成演进的两种路径,即社会整体工程与自生自发秩序。

    And these two kinds of thought are corresponding to the two routes of the forming mechanism of system , namely the social overall project and the spontaneous order .