
  1. 最后,调查处派最有经验的调查员罗伯特?赖斯来办理这一案件。

    Finally the compliance division put its most experienced investigator , Robert rice , on the case .

  2. 进行这次选举的主要忧虑是安全问题,民意调查显示强硬派候选人内塔尼亚胡及其利库德党居领先地位。

    With security as a major concern in the elections , polls have hardliner Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party in the lead .

  3. 据影片主创们发表的声明,拍摄这部影片是为了证明2007年至2008年度对戴安娜的死因展开的调查是当权派和黑暗势力掩盖事实真相的手段。

    The movie aims to prove that a 2007 / 8 inquest into Diana 's death was a cover-up by the " establishment " and " dark forces ," according to a statement from the film makers .

  4. 公民自由权益运动者关注波士顿马拉松爆炸案幸存嫌疑人是否享有米兰达权力。此前,调查部门表示将派一支审讯重大嫌疑人物的专业审讯团队以公共安全为由规避米兰达原则审讯了焦哈尔·萨纳耶夫(DzhokharTsarnaev)。

    Civil libertarians are raising concerns over the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect 's Miranda rights as U.S. officials say a special interrogation team for high-value suspects would question Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights under a public safety exemption .

  5. 而且无数的民意调查显示,保守派的投票热情要高得多。

    And survey after survey shows that conservatives are far more enthusiastic about going to the polls .

  6. 美国国家运输安全委员会的调查人员已被派往华盛顿州倒塌大桥的事故现场。

    Investigators with a National Transportation Safety Board are being dispatched at the site of a collapsed bridge in Washington State .

  7. 根据我们对武汉理工大学317名大学生网民的调查,“否定派”的观点更为接近事实,即互联网对网民政治意识的影响并没有我们想像的那么大。

    According to our investigation to 317 students in Wuhan University of Technology , the opinion of section NO is more true , and it means the influential ability of Internet to users ' political ideology is not as strong as we imaged .