
  • 网络Adjusting the balance of payments;balance of payment adjustment
  1. 最后本文基于上述理论分析框架,结合我国国际收支的政策目标,提出FDI调节国际收支的相关对策及建议,包括加工贸易、我国走出去战略及外汇储备的利用等方面的政策调整。

    At last , the paper put forward some advice on how to adjust the international balance of payments by FDI based on the above analytical framework , including policies to processing trade , " going out " strategy and the using of foreign exchange reserves .

  2. 约翰逊政府调节国际收支逆差的货币金融政策国际货币基金组织年会

    Johnson Administration 's Monetary and Financial Policies on Controlling International Payment Deficit

  3. 我国政府调节国际收支的政策效应分析

    An Analysis on the Policy Effect of Adjusting International Balance by the Chinese Government

  4. 充足的外汇储备可以满足本国政府调节国际收支、偿还外债的需求,同时也是国家直接干预汇市,维持本币汇率稳定的重要手段。

    Adequate foreign exchange reserves can meet the national government need to regulate the balance of international payments , and pay external debt .

  5. 单一的币种结构不仅增加了我国外汇储备的汇率风险,而且不利于外汇储备调节国际收支等职能的顺利实施。

    The single currency structure not only increases the risk of exchange rate , and is not conducive to implement the functions of foreign exchange reserves successfully .

  6. 外汇储备是衡量一国综合国力的主要指标之一,肩负着调节国际收支、稳定汇率的重任。

    As a main quota to judge the comprehensive national strength , foreign currency reserve is responsible for adjusting international payments as well as stabilizing the currency quota .

  7. 从根本上说则应调节国际收支,可以调整对外贸易依存度、外商投资、人民币汇率。

    Speaking should adjust the balance of payments fundamentally , can adjust the degree of dependence on foreign trade , foreign investment , and the RMB exchange rate .

  8. 充足的外汇储备在调节国际收支差额、维持本国货币汇率稳定、维持国际信誉以及增强抵御国际金融风险的能力等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Sufficient foreign exchange reserves play an important role in regulating the balance of payments , maintain the stabilization of exchange rate , maintain international reputation and enhance the ability to resist international financial risks .

  9. 合理的外汇储备币种结构对外汇储备职能的发挥有着重大的意义,科学的外汇储备管理也对该国调节国际收支和稳定汇率起着至关重要的作用。

    Reasonable currency composition of foreign exchange reserve has great significance to the functioning of the foreign exchange reserve , Scientific management of foreign exchange reserve plays a vital role in adjusting the balance of payments and exchange rate stability .

  10. 关于国际收支的理论研究很早就开始了,并形成了一系列的著名理论,但这些研究以发达国家为主,研究内容侧重于如何调节国际收支总量平衡。

    Theoretical study on the international balance of payments began very early , and formed a series of well-known theory , but those studies are mainly in developed countries , focusing on how to adjust the overall balance of international payments .

  11. 外汇储备是国际储备的一部分,反映了一国调节国际收支和稳定货币汇率的能力,是一国在国际竞争中地位的重要标志和金融实力的重要体现。

    Foreign exchange reserves are part of international reserves , which reflect the adjustment balance of payments and the stability in currency exchange rates , and it is an significant indicator of the status of an important manifestation of financial strength .

  12. 一国拥有外汇储备主要出于调节国际收支、保证对外支付、维持汇率稳定等方面的目的,所以,外汇储备是一国调节对外经贸活动的重要手段。

    A country with foreign exchange reserves mainly wants to adjust balance of payments , foreign payment , maintain exchange rate stability , etc. Therefore , foreign exchange reserve is an important means of one country adjust foreign economic and trade activities .

  13. 它关系到各国调节国际收支、稳定汇率的能力,同时也是经济实力的标志之一。因而一直受到各国政府和国际金融机构的普遍关注。

    It concerns the governments ' ability of adjusting balance of payment and stabilizing exchange rate , Also it is one of the marking of the economic power , as a result has being widespread concerned by all countries ' government and international financing institutions .

  14. 外汇储备是国际货币体系的核心,也是国际金融领域的重要问题,它关系到各国调节国际收支和稳定货币汇率的能力,一直受到国际金融机构和各国政府的普遍关注。

    Foreign exchange reserve is the core of the international monetary system and of vital importance in the area of international financial research . It concerns the governments ' ability of adjusting balance of payment and stabilizing exchange rate , and all financial authorities keep close watch on its development .

  15. 最后指出,为了更好地调节我国的国际收支,应该保持经常项目和资本与金融项目的稳定。

    Lastly , this article points out that we should keep Current Account and Capital Account stable to keep balance of payments equilibrium .

  16. 因此,本文拟考察国际收支自动调节机制的运作原理,试图解开它在我国失灵的根源,以寻求调节我国国际收支失衡,化解人民币升值压力的有效方法。

    This paper , based on an investigation of the operation principles of the balance-of-payments auto-accommodating mechanism , tries to analyze the root-causes for the ineffectiveness of the mechanism and find out an efficient way to accommodate the unbalance of payments and eliminate the pressure from RMB appreciation .